For a few month I have pain in my low left abdomen which radiates to my left low back. The pain is sometimes worse when I bend over. It kind of feels like something is stretching and giving me the pain when I bend over. I am bloated too. Lately the pain is located in my lower back on the left and on the right, usually on the left but sometimes both at the same time. I had constipation too and felt like I couldn't empty my bowel properly. Most of the time it isn't actually a pain that I feel, it is a feeling of somehow heaviness and as if there are lots of gases! I also get pain in my buttock muscles! The pain or whatever it is goes away after bowel movement but sometimes comes back soon. I thought I'm suffering from all of this because I am not that active person. So I started cycling and when I ride my bike I don't really feel any discomfort but once I come back home I feel it again! Before I started cycling I didn't get an urge to go to the toilet I tried to empty bowels without any urge in the morning or evening but after cycling I noticed that I get that urge for BM and I think I'm not that constipated. I had an anal fissure and am now using topical creams which I started on Jan.23. I have to use it for a month so I finish in a couple of weeks. But I had that pain before that cream. I am going to have my menstruation in a few days and I wonder if maybe I have very severe PMS. I'll see how I'll feel after my menstruation. I have generalized anxiety disorder too. Before my period I sometimes get anxious and short of breath. I noticed that this anxiety is really connected to my period. I am 19 years old.
Is this IBS or something more serious? - IBS Network
Is this IBS or something more serious?

Sorry to hear you are experiencing such discomfort. Have you been to see your doctor about it? It’s always useful to use that as a starting point.
All very best
Hello do you get any feelings of popping in your tummy? Or mucus?
I keep getting lots of white mucus ? Any ideas
Could be candida. Like a yeast overgrowth. A form of bacterial infection. Some bacterial infections can also cause a rise in calprotectin!!!
Have you had a formal IBS diagnosis i.e. been through all the tests etc.? If so, presumably you are IBS-C (constipation dominant)? Pain is common with IBS. When you exercise your body releases endorphins which acts as a natural pain reliever. Exercise also helps get your bowels moving which is why you are having the urge for a BM afterwards. This is good! It is good to exercise! IBS can be exacerbated during the time leading up to a period. I remember getting gassy and nauseous and more irritable and anxious about a week prior to mine. Have you discussed all of your symptoms with your GP? They can help with anxiety and pain. 10mg Amitriptyline is often prescribed for pain with IBS and it may help with anxiety too. However, it can be constipating. I am on Linaclotide for IBS-C and intestinal nerve pain. It hasn't helped with the 'C' but it has helped with the pain which has allowed me to introduce more fibrous foods (e.g. prunes with breakfast) which helps with BMs. I am also taking Alflorex probiotic which has been studied for IBS and is available for a 2 month free trial on joining I believe it is helping me with the pain too.

Hi there,
Sorry to hear you're struggling. If you need help and support please get in touch