My whole life I was constipated only used the restroom prob once every 2 or 3 weeks! A few years ago I started getting the opposite after what I thought was bad food! Turned out after 10 drs, ultrasound, ctscan, blood test, dehydration and a hida scan my gallbladder was functioning 14% so it came out and the symptoms got worse and worse over time and all the drs I seen plus some told me I had acid reflex so they put me on propantzole and several other meds like it to try cause none seemed to work! I went off all meds for the last 2 years but it got better and worse! I didn't have all the pain and cramping, bloating, etc unless I ate and as soon as I used the bathroom would feel lil cramps but relieved! Continued to get worse on how fast I could get to a bathroom for the past 6 months it was Def a challenge parking lots and plastic bags was my friends! Well skip to Dec 2020 I ate captain ds fish and within 5 minutes was cramping so bad was sick coming out both ends for 2 days!! Got back to what I thought was normal and couple weeks later was so bad I was hurting so bad, no appetite, using the bathroom made it worse my heart was racing, couldn't breathe, arms going numb, vertigo so bad my husband has carried me to the hospital! Scared to eat, sleep or use the bathroom has been my life since Jan! All the same symtoms I had before my gallbladder removal. Emergency room 3 times , 4 day hospital stay because I had an ileus, congested pelvic from c section and acid reflex they told me! I finally get into a gi and I thought oh finally someone that can help me he hadn't looked at my ctscan or nothing until I couldn't pronounce ileus, then he said well I think you have ibs not acid reflex and I think that's why you are getting all these symptoms besides the vertigo that is DEF not a stomach issue, which IT IS, the only time I do it is when I have had diarrhea more than usual! But he took me off the other med for acid reflex and put me on ibgard and it has me constipated ALL THE TIME! so a whole other set of symptoms, so he dropped me to 1 every other day and I use the bathroom on the days I don't take it, but the stomach pain is still there no matter what !! Now he wants to put me on librax and I looked into that and the side effects are OUTRAGEOUS mind you I get EVERY side effect to EVERY medicine I take!!! NO tests!!! Didn't touch me, but wants me to trust that he knows what I have without a doubt! Didn't touch my stomach or ask where it was hurting nothing! What do I need to talk to him about? And what if he doesn't agree? I'm scared to eat, sleep or leave the house because I never feel good and scared when I get a lil dizzy that is gonna turn into vertigo! My life is insane and I cannot handle it much longer! Are there no tests for acid reflex? No test for ibs? Someone please give me hope and advice I'm totally stressed, depressed, fearful to do the 3 basic needs in life!!!!
Please help!! Ibs , acid reflex or what is it?... - IBS Network
Please help!! Ibs , acid reflex or what is it?? Suffering , stressed drs won't listen, and depressed I have no life!

There is no test for IBS. Not sure about acid reflux. IBS is diagnosed by eliminating other ailments, and assessing the symptoms.
What test should I be asking for!?? I had a ctscan it showed ileus at the time(which is resolved, I'm assuming) and congested pelvic! About 5 years ago before gallbladder removal I had endoscope and colonoscopy.. should I request those?
The endoscope is used to detect acid reflux.
I was a little confused by this though as years ago I was diagnosed with acid reflux by ears nose and throat.
I was then given an edoscopy and was told I had Barretts Osophagus and the consultant sent me to have a 24 hr montor fitted to determine if I was producing excess acid.
This was an accurate test(although not pleasant) but it did prove that I was NOT producing excess acid and was told to stop the PPI that I had been put on.
It was only last year after paying to go private that resulted in a further endoscopy that I found out I was actually suffering from bile reflux.
I hope you are able to get to the root cause of your problems quickly and get the help you need.
Make sure you are going to a gastroenterologist. Try to see one at a major teaching hospital. Meanwhile, look at the FODMAP diet. There is a lot of info on the internet.
Yes he's from Indianapolis ! Supposedly really good but I'm not seeing that so far🥺 lots of guesses and no tests! I weigh 101 pounds I try to stay away from greasy foods but that's about all I can afford to give up at the moment, I just keep losing weight!
Definately look at the FODMAP diet; it has helped a lot of people with IBS. Also, try to work with a dietician. Your GI should be able to recommend one. xx
I can't get this dr to even touch or test me and he's supposed to be the best! So I doubt he will give me dietician I've asked him what I should and shouldn't eat and he says "eat whatever you want, just try to stay away from food that triggers your pain" well I ate a scrambled egg yesterday morning and was fine ate one this morning and the pain is HORRIBLE Still hasn't went away how do I know what triggers it like that??
I had a test for Ibs. Was sent that disgusting salt ridden pack of sachets I had to drink a few days before my appointment. Sorry I can't remember the name. I had to take it regularly. At my appointment a dye was put through me. I was secured to a machine which moved me left, right and upside down. I was then scanned. They expected that I'd urgently need the loo so I went. When I'd finished I ran out telling them that my poo had turned white. They said that was normal and would remain so for up to 7 days 🙄I was called into the consultants room and told I had Ibs. I was prescribed 20mg x1 per day of Omerorazole, which I still take and has never been changed. The following years were ridiculous as I couldn't eat bran, wholemeal or wholewheat foods as I had diarrhoea so bad I couldn't go to work for at least 3 days. 20 years later I find out that there is an Ibs diet. I ask my gp for it, only to be told to research and download it myself 🤬 Finally I find it only to see I had to join the Ibs society and had to pay for these diet sheets and tips. Suffice to say, I didn't bother. Now 5+ years later I wanted to try the Fidmap diet, only to be told by my go not to do that. I've utilised Buscopancountless times and now it does nothing for me when I get constipated. I have to wear and pay for nappies and pads. My body seems to still dislike wholemeal, wholewheat and bran. I'm currently on day 5 of diarrhoea and scared to eat as usual. I love my fruit and veg fresh, frozen or freeze dried but my body just hates it. I have long periods of bloating, cramps, a rock hard tummy, severe pain in the location of my middle bowel and I'm starving most of the time. When I can eat, boy do I go for it!! My experience of Ibs in the UK has been draining, shocking and I feel very let down as this damned Ibs affects me psychology, zaps my energy, gives me gastritis which is acutely painful, has me scared to eat and I'm constantly just wasting food when I'm scared to eat, and has had me on a Diamorphine Drip x3 due to the pain. After Covid... If ever, I'll be demanding I get help or there'll be a stern complaint to the Health Authority.
As for Acid Reflux, I was diagnosed by telling the gp what my symptoms are. I also have Reflux Esophagus... Nice!!
I think both are due to incompetent treatment and length of issues. I take GAVISCON. Aniseed Flavour is the only one that doesn't make me gip.
Just flipping depressing all this lot. Now I'm going to waste my time eating a small bowl of popcorn as my tummy is full of wind and bubbles... Gastritis here we go again.
Try to keep a diary or 2 of what you eat, type of pain, duration of pain and where it is. What you did or tried to stop the pain. Diarrhoea or no diarrhoea too.
Thank you! I'm so disappointed in drs I'm about to say hell with it, they none listen!! 😭 I tried their medicine took 1 dose felt bad, 2nd dose last night I thought I was dying, but couldn't move to goto hospital! Idk what to do when drs won't listen to you, won't give any kind of test besides using me as a guinea pig! 6 years 15 drs counting all the er visits they all said acid reflex, gastritis, pelvic congestion, ileus and this one dr says ibs and no test at all. I'm really about to give up
Ibs is like an umbrella diagnosis for all those you've mentioned. I find that Gaviscon helps a lot though. I'm so pleased I'm not taking loads of medication but try to reflect and take note of what's happening inside me. As I get older it's apparent that my body will and does have mild to major reactions to certain foods. I just reluctantly remove it from my diet and find a replacement.15 doctors is ridiculous. Someone needs to take you seriously. You need to write a letter or send an email to your doctor. S/he can then forward your words about your issues to the most relevant consultant or set of consultants. I hope this helps. Take care 😁