Constipation hell, rectal pain, sore legs it's a never ending nightmare and puts so much pressure on my bladder I've had so many accidents now because of it 😔
Constipation hell: Constipation hell, rectal... - IBS Network
Constipation hell

Hi Constipation is my life long thorn in my side. It has landed me in hospital so many times. I am even at the point of preferring to have the opposite problem as I panic when I feel like my bowels have stopped working. The problems caused by not emptying your bowel is endless, eventually there is nowhere for food to go but come back out the way it went in. I have been lucky so far and not suffered bladder problems, My consultant always recommends using gentle laxatives like fibrogel to keep the bowel more regular. I also use the FODMAP diet to eliminate foods that aggravate the bowel. Sometimes fresh orange juice can keep me going if I'mnot too compact. The awful thing is no 2 bowels are the same what works for 1 may aggravate another. I sometimes feel like I have a lifetime mission to keep my bowels working. I definitely know I don't do enough exercise and make excuses as I suffer extreme fatigue with a severe B12 deficiency which I believe is caused from having a digestive system that struggles to absorb goodness from food and supplements.
I hope you manage to find strategies that work for you very soon, please share if you do. Sorry I can't be more help 😔
Good luck 👍
Sure I’ve read somewhere that vitamin deficiencies can cause constipation x

I'm gluten free, dairy free, take prunes,fibrogel flaxseeds everyday and its becoming frustrating, I would love a healthy bowel it's my only wish to feel comfortable and I'm only 40 dont need incontinence problems as well x
I found too much fibre bunged me up more just clogs the pipes up ever thought of changing to a different type of fibre supplement fybogel made me worse x
Oh no !! It’s awful isn’t it ? Have you found anything that helps ? The pressure on bladder and rectum always used to keep me awake at night ! I’ve tried all sorts to help with constipation the things that work for me is optifibre by nestle and 1 sachet movicol a day and believe me I have the most stubborn bowel ever . The twisting yoga pose is good and remember the big hula hoops that you put around your waist ? I’ve done that too don’t really care what the neighbours think 😂x

I never thought I would be envious of people who have a good working bowel 😤 forget loads of money big house designer clothes I'd just give anything for a healthy bowel 😥

Just ordered a tub of obtifibre on Amazon thank you for advice I'd try anything x
If it don’t work for you feel free to batter me lol , sometimes it’s worth trying something different 1 scoop is plenty a day , I’ve ordered another tub , beware might cause gas small price to pay tho let me know how you get on x
I am sorry for your troubles. I have had IBS with severe constipation for over 7 years. I would caution you about fiber until you know what is causing it, because it made me much worse. I am in the US so medication names may not be the same, but Linzess or Linaclotide was a life saver for me. It can cause diarrhea, but, for me, it is better than the constipation. I also take two capfuls, or double dose, of Miralax or polyethylene glycol every night. Both Linzess and Miralax bring water into the bowel to help constipation and are not stimulant laxatives, which are not good to use long term. I am waiting for test results for SIBO and also have multiple food sensitivities, so getting to the root cause is important for you for the long term. I am about to start a trial of low dose Psyllium, in the capsule, but I will start at 1/2 of the recommended dose for a 6 year old, twice daily. Start very slow with fiber. Best wishes.
I find that taking magnesium bisglycinate powder helps my IBS-C , although apparently, magnesium citrate has a more laxative effect, but be careful to start with low dose and build up gradually.