Hello everyone.I have had Ibs d with occasional ibs c for about 16 years and just recently it has got worse.I have read about symprove and wonder if anyone has tried it.It is very expensive and also I am wary to try new things.Any information would be helpful please.
Any information on symprove: Hello everyone.I... - IBS Network
Any information on symprove

I'll copy/paste you my comment I made on other threads as well, it'll help you : Watch this, practically I healed myself with the help of this guy, had very bad symptoms for a year or so, literally thought I will die... then I changed my lifestyle, got rid of bad habits, went into sports, exercises, healthy diet and in a matter of 3 months, I got completely reborn...
don't take any medication, it won't help you, go natural, that is the key...
wish you success! youtu.be/MYKdLeL3SGo
Do you have IBS? I have Severe I B S. I have tried everything from diets, Accuputure, medications Hypononsis., nothing has worked for me. Thank you for sending this put. I am going to try this.
I had severe IBS a year ago, actually I had milder symptoms fro about 4 years then, a year ago, it started to be as bad as possible, constant yellowish diarrhea, belly pain around the liver, intolerance to fatty foods and so on... had many blood test, ultrasounds, calprotectin test etc. nothing was conclusive, there was nothing wrong, but I felt really ill, literally thought I will not recover... and then I changed my lifestyle, like this guy in these videos explains and in 3 months i got my health back... awesome feeling! And since then no flare ups, no symptoms, nothing... worth a try, I'll posted this on many thready with the hope it helps others understand too the issues behind IBS...
How did you get on with all the fruit and veg? I find it makes the diarrhoea worse.
It makes the diarrhea worse, you're right, but only until your body gets used to this new lifestyle, the increase of fiber intake, and then, after some time, the diarrhea will settle and you start feeling better... you have to give time for your system to recover from the many torture you put it through the time... and it will, it's an intelligent system, it knows how to regenerate, only you have to help it... and medication, antibiotics, fast foods, sugars, unhealthy carbs, no veggies and fruits, no exercise are surely no help
Hi Kory, I know you have replied to me before but I cannot locate your response. I asked if I could locate the person (or a book) that has cured themselves on the internet and you did mention what I could look for on the internet. Would you please be able to let me know if there is another way I can look for this person rather than having to watch a video and try and remember what he has said? Thanks very much

what about you take some notes along watching the videos I shared with you? ... a small price for regaining back your full health, don't you think? ... and you just located a person who cured himself "on the internet", me... but not by taking any medications or any other crappy, worthless advise, only by going on a healthy lifestyle: healthy diet + exercise + managing stress wisely, and pretty much this is all you must do
Thank you Kory and will do as you suggest and also thank you for your response.
Had Symprove prescribed by a Consultant Gastroenterologist who’s professor had some input in the development of it. I took it for at least 10 weeks before I noticed any difference but then realised how much better I was feeling. I have been told I need to be on it for life but I am still in the early stages of working out what a maintenance dose should be. It has transformed my life after 50+ years of both non specific colitis and IBS. I still take a codeine phosphate when going on a journey but think that is more for ‘security of mind’ than absolute necessity. I wish you well.

Thank you Chelsea.that is very helpful and will think more about it.
Have been taking Symprove now for 3 weeks. It is wonderful! Google it & check out the research. Yes, it is expensive but you don't have to buy it all at once & if you commit to the 12 weeks suggested you can get a pack of 4 bottles for free! It's worth every penny in my book. Everyone reacts to it differently but Symprove are on hand to help with queries etc.
It is NOT a medication but a probiotic with lots of recent scientific research to back it up.......
I've been taking it for almost three months now and have to say I have not seen any real improvement in my symptoms (I have possible IBS). I guess it is different for each person. If you are considering it, then one tip is to ask your health care provider if they have any discount codes for it. I was 'referred' by a specialist I have been seeing at a NHS hospital and got a good discount (it seems Symprove give health care providers leaflets with discount codes on that they can hand out to patients they see).
Hi,Ive tried it and it didn't make any difference for me but other people have good results.Ive had IBS over 20yrs and spent a fortune on different things but still searching for the miracle .Good luck x
Thank you for replying cassie17.If only there were a miracle cure for this horrible illness.Whilst not life threatening I find it life limiting.
I have been using Lifeway kefir for 4-5 years now. Every other yogurt I could no longer tolerate. Lifeway (though it does have too much sugar by some standards) literally saved my life. I drink it twice daily.
I have done 2 courses of it, also tried VSL3 but unfortunately didn't help me at all. I wish you luck and hope it helps you.
Symprove has some good research behind it. I have been using it for a couple of years and find it very good. They will do 3 packs for 2 if you ask them . I also stick to A2 milk. Recently I have also been taking "the good green stuff" by Nuzest, that seems to help too. Good luck.