Then put it right by taking the right prebiotics and biotics and foods to repair the damage caused?
Has anyone else got IBS as a result of taking ... - IBS Network
Has anyone else got IBS as a result of taking antibiotics or steroids?

It definitely was a factor in my case.
My IBS started after a bout of food poisoning subsequently followed by antibiotics, so it certainly can be a factor. I've suffered from IBS for years but more recently I've found Alflorex probiotic which has been studied for IBS and it has changed my life - a gut bacterial imbalance must have been a huge factor for me since it has worked so well. I've tried other probiotics over the years but Alflorex worked the best for me.
There is an interesting infographic on these gut bacterial imbalances here:
Probably the important thing might be to start on the probiotics first to bring things back in balance and then once symptoms improve, introduce prebiotics otherwise the prebiotics will feed the already out of balance bad bugs potentially making symptoms worse.
Ive been using biotics for years and am very fussy about them. But over the past few months had to take antibiotics more than usual, when I came off the last round of antibiotics I had a stomach ache that was mild and came and went and then day by day got worse and became a serious cramping that was almost constant and very debiliating. Its very annoying when you speak to nurses and doctors who dont listen properly and ignore that bit! It is an enormous clue. I am still waiting to find out exactly what it wrong but it points to serious ibs.
Last night I took some of one of my usual biotics - symprove - which is barley based - no gluten and have never had problems with gluten - have been using it on and off for years - but when I took it last night it knocked me for six with stomach cramp and pain for hours.
How is your ibs now, is it better?
My IBS is much better than it was. Thanks. Symprove is meant to be a good probiotic too. Sorry to hear that you've suffered this set back. My IBS was more pain dominant and the Alflorex really helped with that.
On the pain front you may be suffering from visceral hypersensitivity (functional abdominal pain) - there is info about it here:
It is where the brain interprets the normal activity of the bowel as pain - this is due to a wearing down of neurons in pain control centres of the brain which can be caused by PTSD, neglect or abuse in childhood, extreme stressful events etc. The first line treatment is nerve pain agents such as low dose amitriptyline. There is a theory that being on something like amitriptyline for 6-12 months can help the pain control centre neurons to regenerate. Note that amitriptyline can cause constipation, but this can be helpful in people who are diarrhea dominant. Unfortunately I couldn't tolerate these. Linaclotide (for IBS-C only) & Alflorex have helped me with this intestinal pain.
I've also heard that enteric coated peppermint can help with pain.
Thank you for your response. But I think the problem is ibs, I never had PTSD, and I am 63 so think it would be odd that any childhood abuse would be fine until fifty or more years later it suddenly flares up because of some antibiotics. I am glad these help you and it sounds as if our things are similar in some ways and different in others. I ordered some peppermint coated capsules yesterday. But of course it is not a cure. I really need to concentrate on good biotics - and must avoid symprove now as I am sure that at the moment I am intolerant to the barley in it and this is why I felt so awful last night. It would be good to stay in touch if you have the time and do not mind.
Yes. We all have different reasons for our IBS. I am sure one day it will be broken down into a number of different syndromes. I started getting the pain later in life and can relate it to persistent stress over the years. However, the fact that Alflorex helped me so much suggests that the pain had a gut bacterial imbalance element. I've read a scientific paper that stated that some bad bugs produce hyrdogen sulfide as a by-product and this can irritate the gut and produce pain. By the way Alflorex is FODMAP free. No worries about staying in touch. You can pm me if you want. Good luck in the mean time.
I find it very interesting to write to you because we have had some similar experiences but I also like to be in touch with people who are more self aware and proactive about their problems. I know people who rush to the doctor every time they sneeze or feel urgh and never for a moment think of googling or self helping or preventing being ill if they can. When a fat person who has no illness but eats far too much tells me that they are breathless when they walk a long way I have trouble biting my tongue.
Haha. I can really identify with that. Everyone has much power within themselves and the internet is a wonderful thing in terms of gaining the knowledge - though it's a case of sifting the fact from the fiction. It does take a lot of hard work and it requires that mind set to move forward. Unfortunately some people want the easy way out, though to be fair I am becoming more of the mind that some personality traits are inherited and some people find it much harder than others to exhibit the necessary willpower. Interesting discussion.
Yes, its post infectious IBS:
Thanks for the link Susan. Had read that link before, have read many posts and forums elsewhere. Was asking about if anyone here had personal experience of it. It would be good to hear from you again if you have. Mine came on after antibiotics and steroids not an infection as such. And much of what I have read and spoken to people about says it is due to antibiotics and other things point to it being to do with withdrawal of the steroids. My doctor has just phoned me to say that he is sure this is gastritis, which is all part of the ibs type stuff, and has chatted to me and is sending over some medicine, he will ring me in a week to see how I am and arrange for me to see a gastroenterologist if not better. Hope you have a good day.
Hi I took antibiotics a month ago and every day I'm in pain, constantly feel like I need to run to the toilet, on and off diarrhea and constipation and constant spasming. It's awful and it keeps me up at night. I've ordered alflorex to see if it helps, maybe a good probiotic might be an option for you too? I've tried other ones but they don't seem to help. I'm only assuming my issue is down to the antibiotics though. I've been taking buscopan too but it doesn't do much.
I dont want to worry you but I took a course of antibiotics over and over for months and then about three - four months ago had to take more - got a bad stomach which would come and go and then was ok - about six weeks later had to take more and a bad stomach started again - this time it got worse every day - as I suspected it seems I have stomach ulcers - have had them before and know how it feels, antibiotics and steroids etc can cause this. I am now on a ppi to heal the stomach ulcers, only when use my asthma inhalers I get an awful stomach ache. hope you are feeling better now.
I've recently been told that mine probably started with a bacterial infection from a bad takeaway but about a week after this takeaway I also got told I had a water infection and had to have 2 lots of antibiotics so maybe it dose but I've also read the same