I have been diagnosed with Ibs but just have terrible paint no d or c. Is anyone Else like this?
Ibs pain : I have been diagnosed with Ibs but... - IBS Network
Ibs pain
hello, how are you today?
i think I have ibs, its not certain, but like you get the terrible pain with no real d or c.
mine came on after taking antibiotics but the nurses and doctors often ignore that.
and start go try to say it is something which could not have come on after antibiotics.
you feel like you have to be a private detective and work it all out for yourself. ive alwys thought it was due to gut flora imbalance and that we can cause it or put it right by what we eat, but sounds good in theory , different to do it.
Hi thank you for replying. Is the pain just above the waist . I have just had a cry with mine. It is 24 hours a day. Was told to take Omeprazole, and haven’t until today. I believe it can start after antibiotics.

HI Jasper. Yes it is just above the waist with me, belly button and left and right to it. I am also having to cry, and that is very unusual with me. Am finding that it is so painful to just sit or move that it is hard to think or concentrate or do a thing or even sleep. I took omerpazole - well lansoprazole - same thing really - for a week - it did not help at all. But I do hope it helps you. Have you got any food intolerances now.
Not as I know to. The side effects of Omperazole are stomach pains! I was awake in the night with it. Had it nearly two months. Have had an ultra sound as was worried it was pancreas and barium swallow, blood tests. All clear but can’t stop worrying about it. Perhaps stress is making it worse a viscous circle. I feel as though something is tightening or contractions in my stomach. Worse when I walk.

yes I do get it, worse when you stand up and move, I find its easier/less painful to rest on a big sofa spread out and very difficult to sit still and concentrate on anythng or relax, does that make sense to you? how long have you been ill and has it got worse or better etc?
Do you get any other symptoms at all, like gas or bloating or loss of appetite for instance, or literally only pain? I used to get gas, loss of appetite and pain but no d or c but also the pain not as bad as you describe. And have you tried probiotics at all? If you think antibiotics might have triggered it, it would seem logical to try them.
Hi thanks for replying I haven’t had antibiotics but a lot of stress! Did they diagnose you with Ibs?

Hàve you tried buscopan. Good for ibs caused by stress as it relaxes the colon . You wont feel any better over night. It takes time to work. I started with 3 a day for two weeks then slowly decrease. Now only take about 2/3 a week. So much more comfortable.
Hi can’t take it as it can cause palpitations and I had a heart arrest years ago through ventricular tachycardia which was caused by antidepressants. Wish I could . Was your pain bad and non stop. Even wakes me in night. It’s just above waist. It feels like a tightening/contractions of the muscles

Oh sorry! That was Wiserlady who said about the antibiotics not you. Yes I was diagnosed with IBS.