is it normal to have pain on both sides? On the right the pain is little bit down the stomach on the side, on the left instead upper side of the abdomen, hoping to get a reply..ty
ibs pain: is it normal to have pain on both... - IBS Network
ibs pain

Hi damiante, check out a picture of the large intestine. I get pains in the corners of the large intestine, really sharp pain. However, it's all from IBS because it's stool and flatulence getting caught in the sides and corners of the large intestine. Going back to the picture, review it to see if your pain is in the same areas as the intestines. That's the easy symptom. IBS has so many painful symptoms that aren't so easy to figure automatically related.
Hi oftheeagles, i believe these pains are both from IBS, ty so much for replying, i appreciate a lot..ty
Hi Oftheeagles, i hope you are feeling better, i tell you a little what's happening to me, i was on antibiotics for a month, for 14 days i was taking 14 pills a day and the rest of the month 2 a day for h-pylori, also since june 2018 diarrhea everyday 3, 4 even 10 times a day, now i had pain for 2 days on the left side i got scared now it's gone, what did is these last 2 days i have been taking 2 table spoons of metamucil sugar free one 1 hour before i go to bed and 1 more in the morning, and this is the first time that my bowl movement it's a little better, also i have been drinking lots of green tea and water, i am not eating much, i am so afraid that my stomach will hurt again, someone suggested to take digestive enzymes, plus probiotics,and on the 17 i will have an endoscopy, i am hoping that everything will be ok, i am a little afraid...but i will wait and see...ty so much for reply, i appreciate a lot...i hope you get better....ty
Antibiotics are notorious for causing intestinal distress because they kill the good digestive bacteria as well as bad. The live bacteria in some yogurts and probiotic tablets are good but useless while on an antibiotic, which will kill them before they can help. Try miralax instead of Metamucil. Miralax won't bloat you because it doesn't have psyillium fiber. Metamucil works by psyillium fiber absorbing water to create bulk and push fecal matter through the intestines. When you have IBS, it adds to the pain the condition already produces. So, until you're off the antibiotics, don't waste your money on probiotic products.
Now, there are other intestinal conditions besides IBS. There's IBD and diverticulitis. In IBD, the I stands for inflammatory instead of irritable. The D for disease. It's a more serious condition. And diverticulitis is a condition that swells the diverticulum inside the intestines. There's also ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. Ulcerative colitis is a condition that causes little ulcers in the colon. I'm not completely sure about Crohn's disease except to say that it's serious. All of these conditions have very similar symptoms related to the intestines. The good news is that when the right condition is diagnosed, proper treatment can help you manage your symptoms.
I'm telling you just so you can be prepared in case one of these other conditions are detected in your endoscopy. There's also an impacted colon, which it kind of sounds like you had. It means fecal matter remains inside the colon and only a small portion passes. If you have heard about Elvis Presley, he had 14 pounds of fecal matter impacted in his colon at time of death. I don't think it was a factor in his death but it did cause him pain, for which he took all the drugs, which were the cause.
Thank you for you kind wishes. My situation is what it is. My intestines are physically damaged. My colonoscopy report described them as twisted and excessively loopy. The loopyness is from having large babies. I don't know why they're twisted. I don't foresee any improvement coming my way unless there is surgical intervention to correct those problems. Also, I'm on medications for chronic pain, which is contributing to the horrendously painful symptoms. That I will have to live with for the rest of my life. It stinks but that's the way life goes sometimes.
Best wishes to you. I hope all goes well and the information I've provided will ease your mind. You may or may not have a permanent condition. Either way, it's not the end of the world. You can live a meaningful life with adjustments for any condition, if one exists. And we, your comrades in intestinal conditions, are always available to listen and provide additional advice. You are never alone. Additionally, green tea is really good for you, as is drinking a lot of water. It feeds the cells and keeps everything moving.
Hi dominate, when I diagnosed with IBS 13yrs ago I had pain all across my lower tummy. The past year the pain has been on my left side just above my leg and got increasingly worse, hopes this helps.
Hi, I get pain both sides. What normally happens with me is that it moves from one side to the other each day. That is to say that one day it may be on the left side and the next day on the right. When I had a more running tummy it was always on the left, but with age, it is getting firmer and since then I have been experiencing pain on the right side (my right side). Hope this helps.