Hi there. A week ago now I started with feelings of nausea diarrhoea and bloating. It has been on and off all week. For the past 6 months I would say I have been following a high protein lower carb diet. Including beans, lentils, turkey, chicken. I always cook from scratch so I dont eat processed meals. I am having ivf treatment (currently doing injections on day 4 of down regulation) in the last 2 months I have added in a organic whey protein shake every other day and following a diet quite specific for ivf. After 4 days of this i thought perhaps it was a dairy intolerance as I have been having full fat milk and yoghurt and protein powder has a lot of lactose in it. So for 5 days now I have gone dairy free. But symptoms have got no better as yet.
The bloating and pain is worse on an evening about an hour after an evening meal. Havent had any more diarrhoea although I have been going to the toilet more frequently. (5 times yesterday!)I get awful backache and sickyness too.
Today I have decided to go to a very plain diet. Small amount of porridge made with water. Piece of toast for lunch and then will be having turkey veg and brown rice for tea. I am hoping that just a few days like this perhaps I will feel much better again?
I have never had any problems with my tummy before, it was like it happened over night. I am also worrying with the effect it may have on my treatment as when I change injections in a week or so it can cause bloating anyway.
Anybody experience just a one off digestive problem or do you think it maybe worth calling gp?
Do I need to give a plain diet a bit longer? I have looked into FODMAP too and understand that there are many foods to avoid