I’ve been told I have ibs-d just wondering if anyone else has constant floating stools drs said ibs causes it?
Ibs floating stools: I’ve been told I have ibs-d... - IBS Network
Ibs floating stools

If you have IBSd, how are your "stools" floating?
That’s what I told them?
I think I would ask my GP to do a calprotectin test on my stools and also to refer me to a gastroenterologist or gastro-intestinal consultant, floating stools could also indicate BAM (bile acid malabsorption). IBS is, unfortunately, used by GPs, as a diagnosis when they don't want to say "I don't know the reason", and, in order to decide what is wrong with you, is going to cost a lot of money and time that I don't have or want, to spend on one patient.
In the meantime, I would keep a food and symptoms diary, where you should note what you eat or drink, how much of it, and how you felt afterwards (pain or sick, or fine) and also a note of how heavy your BM was, did it float, was it constipated in texture and what colour it was, also any mucus or blood.
Has your GP given you stool tests ie for malabsorption, celiac 🤔
All come back perfect blood test and colonoscopy
In that case, I wouldn't worry about it, until and unless it starts to bother you. Good luck and stay safe.
I have similar issues now and again, its all down to gas and fermentation in your digestion, I wouldn't worry too much about it, just another few flushes!
Mine does after eating cream.
I find over indulgence in dairy, causes horrible looking floating bits. Too much cheese, cream cakes, I dont do cream any longer. I do have a little in summer with strawberries or rasberries. ANY fatty stuff or chicken wings coated in barbeque source. Or KFC coated chicken I try to avoid. Breaded things are on the known watch list to avoid. Funny enough a freshly cooked battered balls sweet and sour sauce with egg fried rice from our local chinese rarely affects me. Its the factory produced rubbish that has a dire effect on IBS people. I dont buy supermarket curries for same reason. Fresh made from home or Chinese rarely effects me. But most factory made ready meals I avoid like the plague
No matter what I eat I have constant floating stools I’ve had all tests all colonoscopy all done come back fine?
Are you overdoing the greens.? Always eat soluble greens, too much fibre is as bad as not enough. With me, over the years cheese cold or hot like a pizza, especially mozzarella gives me none formed stools. I take some paracetamol and a buscapam for a day or two until symptoms subside. I had a colonoscopy in 2016 found i had sigmoid diverticulitis. Not uncommon for older people like me, that adds to the diet toilet problem as well. Not much i can add. Not a doctor lol
If all tests are fine and you feel ok I wouldn't worry too much. Any changes and not meaning floaters here then please go back to GP. Most floaters are down to gas or undigested/excess fats
Im disabled with arthritis. So my mobilty is poor. I find a sluggish digestion because of lack of daily exersise means fats are not used as they would if one was active or working. As always IBS affects people in different ways. But if you can exercise, this would be a good way of burning fats and calories. In cold weather fats gets used, but summer is sometimes a pain for IBS sufferers, hot or humid weather a report suggests a lowering of a chemical in the intestines which make IBS flare up.
Yes, excess fat. Sounds like your body is not digesting fat correctly.
Sorry to jump on this post 3 months later. I also have this. I can’t seem to tolerate fat so I’m on a virtual fat free diet (basically chicken and rice) and they still float and are light coloured. It’s very worrying
Me too. Mine have been sticky and floating for well over a year now, going on to two. I have had calprotectin test, abdominal mri, blood tests, virtual colonoscopy and all ok. I have tried dairy free, gluten free...nothing, still the same and with the added panic attack style symptoms just before pooping that then last about half an hour and then disappear
Hi, yes I’ve had floating stools from IBS for over 20 years.