Hi there, I would be very grateful for any advice,
For around 6 months I have been having ongoing GI problems. In this time I have had three quite severe flare-ups, two of which involved A&E visits however nothing was found (I am too used to this). My main symptoms are severe abdominal pain and nausea. Unfortunately, just before coming home from university this Christmas, I had my third flare up and all holiday (4 weeks now) I have been experiencing severe stomach pains (around 2 hours after eating).
I have been referred by my GP to the gastroenterologist however my consultation is only in March. I really cannot wait as every day is becoming more and difficult to get through, especially with no improvement and no answers. It has come to the point that I am going to have to defer my place at University until I can get answers. IBD has been ruled out from a recent fecal calprotectin test, a lot fo evidence points towards IBS.
Would pulling out of university to get myself into remission be wise? (I cannot think of any other options). My future is looking very uncertain, with my flares popping up frequently and severely. Has anyone had IBS so severely they have had to pull out of university or work? I didn't know it could be this bad. Hence for a while I thought I had Crohns. I really need some advice.
If only my consultation were sooner I am sure I could get the advice I need from the gastro.