I've been having oatmeal and soy milk as a result of having too much white bread in the morning (I'd rather be constipated than have d* which I've been struggling with but I'm aware white bread isn't healthy). Plus I've noticed I feel 'good' and energised since doing this. I have banana on top and sometimes honey which I'm aware is fine for low fodmap but yesterday I googled raspberries and apparently 10 are fine. I had around 9 and felt fine all day but 24 hrs later I had a bit of loose stool as if I'd been eating fructose. For dinner I had sausege, potatoes, carrots and corn but I was under the impression these were OK as broccoli, peas and cauliflower are usually my triggers. Any insight into berries?
Are raspberries low FODMAP? : I've been having... - IBS Network
Are raspberries low FODMAP?

Hey! Raspberries are normally fine up to 30 berries (60g), honey is one of the most highly fructose foods out there! Download monash university fodmap app, they have serving sizes and green, amber, red traffic light fodmaps in most common food. Ripe banana has high amounts of fodmaps where as unripe green banana is low fodmap bread is full of the fodmap fructan. Most info on fodmaps online is outdated, monash app is the best
hope this helps!
Hi, raspberries can cause loosness. Corn is not low fodmaps. Corn will go straight through you too. White bread isn't that bad for you. In fact most substitutes are worse. I was adviced by a dietician not to eat fruit al sll, just maybe half a banana now and then or a couple of blueberries. She told me fruit is too acid and to eat the low fodmaps veg which is carrot, spinach, lettuce, green beans but definately no onion or garlic or cruciferous veg which are the ones that affect you anyway. I love the frozen baby carrots they are lush. Hope this helps.
Personally I find soy milk is a no go so try a different milk if youre getting problems with your breakfast. Theres no rhyme or reason with the fodmap diet. Im fine with onions and honey which are both on the danger list so its a case of eliminating what triggers you. I would start with the soy milk if its a regular issue.
Monash says 30 berries every 3 hours.

Hi there,
We suggest you speak to your dietitian. More info on FODMAPs here theibsnetwork.org/diet/fodm...