Hi, I am new to this group and would appreciate some opinions - and please dont say ask your doctor etc.
I am a 62 year old woman who has an underactive thyroid, taking levo for it, fairly healthy except for copd. About six weeks ago I was put on mirtazapam for help with sleeping, within a week I felt very rough and under the weather, lacking in energy, and then went down hill very quickly with severe fatigue , pains and back ache. I stopped taking it - obviously - I am not a fool. I also found that I was unable to eat cheese without or lactose without stomach pains. About a week later I ate some cheese pasta and hours later had severe stomach pains and diarrhea. I had never experienced anything that nasty before. Now I can eat cheese and lactose without a problem. But wonder if it is possible this is crohns disease - as my mother had it. Ive had blood tests which say I am low in vitamin d and all the rest are fine. Is it possible to get a taste of crohns disease and then it goes away and does not come back? Would appreciate your thoughts on this. And hello everyone. Thanks.