I have IBS-D and recently have a new symptom which is a low abdomen, constant dull ache, very similar to when I used to have period pains (those days are long gone, I am 61). I'm definitely not constipated, I go at least 3 times every morning. Is this inflammation? Any recommendations other than my hot water bottle? Thanks.
Similar to period pain? : I have IBS-D and... - IBS Network
Similar to period pain?

Hi I have also been having this symptom for the past 2 years and have had ultrasounds to rule out cysts, was told it was due to perimenopause but now after a host of bowel related tests i have been diagnosed with a rectocele which has been the cause of the pelvic pain along with the bowel pain! May be worth asking about
I am 63. I just realized after all these years that those intense cramps that kept me in bed for a day wasn’t my period after all, because I get them 11 years into menopause! It’s been my bowels all that time. I would have diarrhea with my period. I feel those cramps, very mild but there, occasionally now, usually when I’m constipated. I have both d and c type. I was telling my gynecologist about the feeling, thinking it was a gyn issue when they started happening and it would linger a few days. I was going to ask for a pelvic ultrasound since I was then worried about ovarian cancer. Bowels are tricky...so now I have another new “norm.”

If you need help and support with your IBS please get in touch theibsnetwork.org. We recommend speaking to your GP about your new symptoms.