I have always suffered from bloating - not regular 'bit larger' bloating either but instead quite often it looks like I am 6 months pregnant for a few days.. and i just can't figure out the cause behind this.. The two times when this has been at its worse in my life - currently and a year ago, was when i was eating my most 'healthiest'
I am a vegetarian, I avoid dairy and wheat as much as possible as it flares up my eczema I would prefer to not eat dairy anyway though, so only rarely will i eat cheese or ice-cream and rarely touch milk/bread, I eat predominantely plant based meals, I don't drink coffee every day and I don't smoke
A few things i think may trigger this include apples, onion, garlic, unripe bananas, watermelon, honey, dates, dried fruit, beans if i eat it with other foods, broccoli and the list seems endless.. Its hit the point now where it will leave me so uncomfortable for extended periods and gets me down about my stomach appearance
I suffer from wind/gas, occasional constipation or the opposite where its very regular, I have joint pain which I have recently noticed.. Im fairly active and an early riser
Anyone else suffer the same? Have any tips ?