I’ve been having digestive problems for over a year now and I am finally getting an endoscopy in 6-8 weeks time however I had another ‘attack’ last night and the wait seems like forever so I wondered if anybody had any ideas what this could be or what could help? To provide background, I’m mid 30s, healthy BMI, I’ve had an ultrasound and didn’t come back with anything and my bloods came back with mild hyperthyroidism. The pain is in the Epigastric region and spreads between my shoulder blades it is always there as a dull ache as soon as I wake up but I’ve had 3 ‘attacks’ in the last 4 months that have honestly been as painful as late contractions and the intensity of them coming and going does feel very similarly. It’s like somebody is twisting my upper stomach and the pain rapidly spreads to my back, I had it again last night for 2 hours and the pain makes me physically sick, I was sick 6 times last night from it. I don’t know what triggers is as I’ve cut foods out, been on anti acids etc and I am still getting this. If anybody has experienced anything similar or has any idea what this may be I would really appreciate any recommendations/advice had a good cry this morning as I’m just so lost with it all especially as I can’t find the cause to help prevent it.
Thank you