So I've had chronic acid reflux for three months now. 24/7, with nights being much more severe than days, but I have it also in the mornings. This started completely out of the blue, from feeling fine to suddenly having this. I speculate it have to do with being on Omeprazole for two weeks (for digestive, non-reflux problems) and then stopping, because that is right when it happened (about three days after stopping the drug). I feel it was wrong of the doctor to prescribe that to a patient who wasn't suffering from reflux and I blame him for these problems. I know, I was on the drug for a very brief time, but I can't see what else it could possible be that have given me these problems. Anyway:
I've had colonoscopy and two EGDs (in two different clinics), they find nothing wrong with my physically, no ulcers, hernias, tumors, etc. They've done several biopsies, including checking for Crohn's disease, SIBO, celiac, and more. Found nothing. The doctors claim they have found nothing physically wrong with the valve between my stomach and esophagus.
I AM waiting for pH test to determine if my stomach acid is low, high or normal (but not staying in the stomach for some reason), but in the meantime I am testing various diets and remedies to see if there is anything I can do to control the symptoms.
FYI, I've never smoked, drank coffee / alcohol. I'm not overweight, actually I'm underweight and having an extremely hard time gaining weight!
I have eliminated basically everything such as acidic food like orange juice, tomatoes, etc. and made my meals very small but frequent. Also I am not consuming greasy fried food.
Not until I tried a low carb diet the reflux mysteriously improved after 3-4 days. After one week, it was very low and totally manageable without even OTC drugs like Pepcid. Problem is, this kind of diet is not realistic for me in the long run, because there is A LOT I would be required to eat that I have a phobia against. Basically I've lived on chicken, beef, eggs, water and shirataki noodles (which contains virtually no carbs but also no nutrients or vitamins). I have eaten approx. 20 grams of carbs a day, sometimes less, for a little over a week. I am used to eating hundreds of carbs a day and have been doing that for 40 years up until this reflux started 3 months ago out of the blue.
While the reflux is gone, me not eating hardly any carbs causes me to have NO ENERGY. I have had to give up my gym workout sessions because of it and I can't even go on walks without having to stop all the time. Also, I dropped several pounds in less than a week. I am male and now I weigh only 136 lbs at 5.9 ft.
My initial plan was to start slowly reintroducing carbs into my diet, once the reflux was better, and see how much I can tolerate before it returns.
Now, my questions are now:
1. Was anyone here in similar situation (undiagnosed reflux while not being obese / overweight, and then you cut down or stopped carbs, and reflux improved)?
2. If you did what I did, did you stay on the low carb diet forever (or a long time) or did you try to go back on carbs eventually? If so, how long did you go low carb and how did starting carbs again turn out for you? Were you able to increase it some, or did the reflux come right back as soon as you tried? Were you able to go back to old eating habits completely? Please share your story because all the guides on the internet are inconclusive and won't mention if I have to stay low carb forever or just temporarily.
3. If you are on low carb for the long run, how on Earth do you keep from losing weight to nothing? The body seems to have a hard time converting fat and protein to energy without the carbs, resulting in weight loss.
Last night I had some carrots, to test the waters. That landed me on somewhere between 25-30 carbs instead of the usual 20 or less I've been doing for a week. I had a little reflux but not really strong. Today is similar, a little bit but not unbearable, however not as good as it was during the week when I ate super restrictive low carb.
It's extremely frustrating to make any sense of what is written on the internet about reflux problems. The guides are telling me to eliminate basically everything it seems. Don't eat carbs, spicy, fatty, dairy, gluten, sugar (including artificial), coffee, alcohol, acidic, chocolate, mint, salt, etc etc. Not that I was eating all of this before my problems starting, but point being the guides restrict nearly everything. Left are certain leafy vegetables, meats / fish, eggs, nuts in very small amounts, and a few other things. How does one eat the little that is allowed and stay healthy?
Furthermore, the guides are FULL of inconsistencies. One moment it says "avoid fatty food, especially deep fried food in oil", then the next moment the same guide says "oh but eat healthy fats like fish and oil". Another example is where it will say "try to cut down to carbs, between 20-50 grams per day". Then further down it will say "it's recommended to eat rice and oatmeal"! It will also constantly say to eat certain healthy fat seeds like flax seeds, sunflower seeds etc - well how can I when they are full of carbs and I'm supposed to stay between 20-50 a day? So frustrating.
Sorry I am having a really bad day today because the doctors are uninterested in helping me and want me to just eat Omeprazole to lower the symptoms. They are wanting me to do this even before waiting on the test to find out if my stomach acid level is high or low. At first they weren't even going to do the test at all, not until I researched options myself and brought it up (and nagged) they agreed to do it.
As closing, I always appreciate any theories what you think I might be suffering from, or what could possibly help me, because I believe I don't exactly fit the usual standard frame for people suffering from GERD and I feel very lost and confused on what to do next. I really don't want to eat Omeprazole or other PPI drugs unless I have to.