Has anyone tried IQoro for acid reflux/LPR.
Has anyone tried IQoro for acid reflux/LPR.
By the time it takes effect (6 to 8 months) how much damage has the acid caused? I think I would take an antacid or some other relief while training my body with this system. If it works, great, no need for drugs.
Thanks for your response. I’m a lost cause from that point of view, since I’ve had LPR for years and never taken PPIs or antacids for other health reasons, just tried ineffectually to control it with the usual diet/lifestyle measures, to little avail (singing classes seem to have more effect on the croaky voice!). I guess how badly it’s affecting you will guide you in whether you could try it without. NICE in the UK has done a review of it, and it is apparently being piloted in the NHS, but that is taking time of course, and in the review they say that the research is unclear as to whether participants continued to take PPIs while trialing the device. Be interesting to hear if anyone has had any success with it.