Just wondering if anyone has tried turmeric. I have purchased some Advanced Turmeric from Autoimmune Institute. I have read it can help IBS and psoriasis. My husband has psoriasis so I got him to try it first. My husband has a cast iron stomach. He can eat anything he wants and doesn't have any bowel problems. But after taking the turmeric for about 3 days he noticed the psoriasis was getting better but he kept having to go to the loo (poo) more often. He tried it several times but the same thing happened each time and in the end he said he would rather have the psoriasis than the upset tummy feeling. Therefore this has made me a little anxious about trying it for my IBS. So I was just wondering if anyone else has tried tumeric?
Anyone tried Turmeric for IBS?: Just wondering... - IBS Network
Anyone tried Turmeric for IBS?

My son and his partner reported increased bm's when taking a turmeric capsule, although joint pain improved.
Thanks BabsyWabsy, that's certainly interesting. I have thought about cutting the capsules open and just having a small amount of the powder (to test it out first) but then thought it might burn my mouth or throat. Also I just had a little play around opening one but then the powder goes all over the place and you have to wipe it up quick before it stains your work surface. Why can't life be simple? How are you doing anyway?
It does stain badly. If you get it on fabric, hanging it outside in full sun is said to take the stain away. I don't take the capsules, but I do use turmeric in anything I can, always in curries of course, but also in chilli con carne or a rich brown stew. Anywhere I can hide it really. It isn't a hot spice, more of woody flavour. I'm fine, thanks for asking, how are you?
Since I suffer chronic constipation..you mentioned increased bowel movements? I may try this too..
Try Lepicol plus, has helped me a lot.
What is Lepico? Was this post meant for me or the original poster?
For you, you can get it it boots. I get the plus version with digestive enzymes and helped me so much
Thank you. But it has unfortunately not helped with my chronic constipation..nothing helps. I can not have a bowel movement at all..I get no help from spices, Probiotics, and any other supplements or foods. Been to more Gastros and colon specialists than I can count. I get no help. I have a very weak pelvic floor. The only way I can have a bowel movement is taking several stimulant laxatives on a Saturday night. Yes, I know..but my gastro just gave up on me and told me to do whatever it takes to "go". So, unfortunately, my only way is through stimulant laxatives like Senna-lax. Thank you for your input and have a great weekend.
Was hoping it might help, I've a weak floor and prolapses. Thought initially it was ibs d with the amount of accidents, couldn't even walk the dog, but realised it was bad ibs c. I've been fasting from 8.30/9 at night to 10.30 next morning, taking the lepicol morning and tea time. Avoid onions, cut down garlic, avoid syrups, min choc, upped my water and touch wood no accidents in the last 4 weeks. Early days. Now took a week before it started to regulate x
Wow! You are very fortunate. I just keep hoping and praying. It's all I can do at this point. No way to live. Thanks for getting back to me. ☺
Know how you feel, a few months ago I'd had enough. Had a particularly bad incident, just made it to my car, and thought I can't go on. Thankfully was at the physio the following Monday (for my pelvic floor) talked to her and dusted myself off. Forgot to say I've to limit my coffee intake to! Off all talking to the physio made me feel more positive. I've had flexi cameras, xrays of me going to the toilet, biopsies. None of them acknowledged the food triggers and also hormones could be affecting it. I'm at that funny age lol. Just hoping to help someone else now as I know the desperation lx
Are you doing the Kegal exercises then for weak pelvic floor? Is it helping? I just had the anal managram..think I spelled it incorrectly. No biopsy was done, I've had every test there is. She just put in a small tube with a balloon on it and told me to bear down like having a bowel movement. She did several more. She said that was all she needed to do. I didn't do the Kegal exercises because I rely on a case manager or public transportation to get anywhere. I lost my car when I applied for Social security disability. The exercises were pretty far away in back of a gym/fitness center. And the lady who answers the phone was hostile, and My case manager said She would take me to one or two and that was it and to look at some "You Tube" video. I googled articles on Kegal exercises and didn't find that they really help with constipation, so I never went. She (Gastroenterologist/Surgeon) who did the test urged me to really think about getting surgery for my prolapsed internal and external hemmorhoids. But the internal ones are so big, if anything I would have to go with the Regan method of rubber banding. I figured it would be a waste of money that I don't have the co-pay for as I only get Medicare insurance. I did not want to go through the pain and recovery time. And I strain..so if I strained the rubber bands would just break off anyway. I'm not quite sure what to do. I'm from Seattle..the coffee capital of the world. I don't know if I could live without my Mochas and Frappes and fancy coffee. I don't think it contributes to my constipation because I only have one cup. And not every day. But I do have to drink strong black brewed coffee and Powerade, I put six packs of "Stevia" Sweetener in my coffee which along with coffee and Powerade help get the stool out with the Senna. Some mornings it actually helps me to drink coffee as they say if you don't overdo it, coffee helps many people have a bowel movement, so maybe if I am lucky I will have strong instant black coffee with Stevia Sweetener, and have a bowel movement of I am lucky. But unfortunately, laxatives are the only thing that helps me. I drink a lot of water because I take a lot of meds which make my mouth dry, and I walk 5 days a week, but even that does not help me, so I have resigned and given in that this is my life now. Well, sorry this was a novel. You can always pm me anytime..I may not answer for a few days if I am cramping or in pain, but I will always respond. It sounds like we are going through the same situation. If it is okay, I will follow you, as we both have the same inquiries. Please write any time.
I'd stuff injected that they could see me passing on the x Ray, back wall falling forward, front bowel wall prolapsing into my uterus and to use a femeeze to splint it (poo gets stuck in the prolapse), plus part of my uterus prolapsing. When they did the flexi cam there was polyps in my bowel and it was irritated. Waiting on the full colonoscopy. Even though I've mentioned I know fructans are a definite trigger they're not interested. Was also having problems bleeding both ways. Got a coil fitted and think it may have helped too as hormones, from what I've been reading, affect ibs to. To get more biopsies done in my womb as they've found polyps there to. I'd got I couldn't even walk 10 minutes without soiling myself. They explained I was that constipated liquid/mucus stuff just forced past and I'd no control. Been great to talk, sorry about the detail lx
Gosh..I'm sorry you are having a go go through this. It seems like always "Diagnosis" one after another, but little relief for us. Thanks for getting back to me.
I forgot to tell you, I did inquire about the Lepicol from my gastro. He said basically it's just Psyllum Husk..like Metamucil, or Konsyl..he said Konsyl has the highest fiber of bulk forming. I used to take Benefiber. He said he gave me several samples a long time ago, but had marked in his notes that I felt bulk forming supplements only made my constipation worse.. because it would end of being one large bulky stool after another on top of each other gathering in my rectum, and with a vaginal minor prolapse I have and weak pelvic floor..he told me to go on a low fiber diet. Because I could not push out all the bulky stool. So, that has worked better for me, as when I was eating all that Psyllum, fiber..I was getting impacted and having to end up going to E.R. for impaction. If you Google "The Fiber myth" there is a great article on the cons of fiber for IBS and IBS-C. Another good website is called gutsense.org but what doesn't work for me, might work for another..but I would be interested in hearing your views on the articles about all the cons of fiber in foods and supplements.
Hi.. haven't seen you on boards for awhile. Hope all is going well and you are feeling better.
Hi, been sort of managing. No accidents although pain, sickness, diarrhoea but I think poss the covid hasn't helped as know there was times I couldn't breath. How have you been? Really strange times. I've been trying to read, garden & walk the dogs to keep my mind busy xx
Hi, Maureen..I did a "search on here once" and I did see where some one mentioned Tumeric did help their IBS" I will Google "Tumeric for IBS" and see what I come up with..
Hi Maureen..just went on a reputable website I copied and pasted what I read:
Its potential healing properties come from curcumin, which is an anti-inflammatory compound it contains. Turmeric has recently attracted attention for its potential to reduce IBS symptoms. IBS is a common disorder of the digestive system that causes symptoms, such as stomach cramps, diarrhea, and constipation.Dec 5, 2018
Here is some more info on Tumeric I will copy and paste
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) affects ten to fifteen percent of Americans. While diagnosing IBS isn’t an exact science, it is usually characterized by stomach pain, gas, diarrhea, and/or irregular bowel movements on a regular basis. It is often triggered by stress and particular foods.
Beyond IBS, some people also suffer from more severe inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) like Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. These diseases can be debilitating and require both medication and strict dietary changes.
Whether you suffer from occasional IBS or a serious IBD, the latest research indicates that adding curcumin to your diet could help alleviate your symptoms.
Curcumin is the active compound in the spice turmeric. It has been a fixture of Eastern medicine for thousands of years, and literally hundreds of studies have been conducted to research the power of curcumin to fight various diseases and conditions.
This is because curcumin has been shown to have anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, and pain relief properties. When we get injured, our bodies trigger an inflammatory response to stave off infection and heal the wound. But as we age and as our immune system becomes compromised – whether due to diet, health conditions, or lifestyle – that inflammatory response becomes chronic, and it starts to do more damage than good.
Both IBS and IBDs have an inflammatory component. Researchers have therefore hypothesized that a daily dose of curcumin could help fight these diseases and conditions.
Curcumin and IBS
One study done in 2004 identified 207 volunteers with IBS. The participants were then given either one or two tablets of “a standardized turmeric extract” for eight weeks. After the trial period, the group that received one tablet per day reported that their abdominal pain/discomfort score went down 22%. The group who took two tablets saw their score go down 25%. In the two groups combined, about two-thirds of participants reported an improvement in symptoms and more favorable bowel movements. This study is promising, but further studies need to be done with placebo groups to help verify these findings.
Curcumin and IBDs
In another pilot study [pdf], five patients with Crohn’s disease and five patients with ulcerative colitis were given curcumin every day in addition to their usual medications. Of those ten patients, nine showed both immunological and symptomatic improvement at the end of the study, which lasted for a few months.
In fact, four of the patients with ulcerative colitis were able to either decrease or stop taking their prescribed medications. They reported less frequent bowel movements, less pain and cramping, and more formed stools.
Again, this study was very small, but the results are promising and in keeping with what other researchers have discovered about curcumin.
No study has ever found that taking a regular dose of curcumin has negative side effects. At the same time, many studies have found that curcumin could help reduce the symptoms of or even reverse such conditions as arthritis, heart disease, neurological diseases like Alzheimer’s, and some cancers.
To get your daily dose of curcumin, try ZYN. With four fresh flavors, you’ll get hydration, an immune system boost, and possible relief for IBS when you drink a bottle every day.
Eliana, thanks for that article. Can, ou tell me where you got it? Maybe send me a link?
I'm new to this board and am not sure if you can private message me. If,you can, please do, so I won't distract further from this thread's purpose.
Sure, here it is, and I'll send you another in a minute:
Maureen, I suffer rheumatoid arthritis and tried turmeric as I know it’s a very good anti inflammatory. I tried it in several forms, capsules, herbal teas/infusions but unfortunately it caused me to suffer so much with IBS I had to discontinue. It didn’t help my joint pains either. I’m sorry to sound negative about turmeric and realise some people gain relief from it.
i can however report amazing improvement with my IBS with ginger. I make ginger infusions with raw grated ginger and lemon verbena from the garden and eat a couple of pieces of crystallized ginger daily, and it really has helped. I have found Twinings ginger/lemon teabags are most soothing and enjoy them several times a day. Hope this helps ..
Thanks for replying. I was interested in your comments about ginger as I had read recently that ginger is good for IBS and I quite like ginger. In fact I have started making ginger rocks cakes which are really quite nice. I have also been trying the ginger tea, I have Pukka, lemon, ginger and manuka honey and also another one that we got off the foreign food counter in Tescos made by a company called Dalgety which is instant ginger (blended with honey granules) which is rather nice too.
I take Tumeric for outher things but I havent heard it helps IBS I suffer with IBS and Tumeric has done me any harm I also have a skin problams and Tumeric has helped it enourmislybut it hasn't affected my IBS
What sort of IBS does it help D or C? Maybe look at reviews for turmeric before you try it
Hi Maureen1958
I use powdered turmeric, or buy the root form, at least once a day along with dried ginger which are both good for gut health.
Studies have shown that the curcumin in turmeric has over 30 benefits to health though I doubt all have been proven beyond small observational studies.
The bio activity and anti-inflammatory properties are well know however. As a vegan who gets over 70g of fibre in his diet 3-5 bowel movements a day are normal for me so maybe your husband’s experience is just usual rather than exceptional?
Good luck

Many thanks for taking the time to reply to my post.
I have been taking turmeric tablets for last 4 months along with vitamin d and went on slimming world diet which means I cook it everything from scratch.
I feel it’s helped me tremendously I’ve taken myself off my other medication and have only needed to use buscopan a couple. I am also slowly loosing a bit of weight too
Yes, it does help. It also reduces inflammation. I have read a lot of studies on turmeric before taking it.
If you are on blood thinning meds, be careful as it is also a blood thinner. I can not tell if it thinned mine, as I am not on any blood meds.
I'm not on blood thinning drugs but do take beteblockers for high blood pressure, perhaps I should run it pass my doctor first.
Thank you for replying, just out of interest are you IBS D or C?
Best to ask your doctor first.
It's gas predominant, which I find hard to eliminate, with rare cramps; thankfully I almost never get diarhea. I am somewhat constipated, I was since I was a kid, but I still go everyday for the most part. It's just bigger than average.
I think Constipation is where you have less than three movements a week..so if you go everyday..consider yourself lucky. ☺. I can go two weeks with no bowel movement. That's constipation. Nothing helps..just strong stimulant laxatives every Sunday.
You are right! 😊 I think it's just "quite big" because I eat too many dry foods sometimes, like corn, rice chips. I am lucky, since I gave up dairy I go at least every 2-3 days, mostly daily if I eat salad or fruits, spinach. I used to go at 4-5 days, even a week as a teen, when I ate a lot of cheese. I wonder if avoiding that would help you.
Poor you, 2 weeks sounds awful 😢. I hope it changes for the better. 🤗
Hi! Maureen
Hubby has been on to me to try Turmeric he takes the powder form and sort of sprinkles it like pepper on his food. I believe his BM's have increased so I want to read more about the benefits and amount to take before I start a trial test myself as I do not want more BM's !!! But it seems to be the "in thing" to try and I will continue with researching
Hi Linley, I might bite the bullet and give it a go, I might take one capsule or open one and just take a bit of the powder. Usually I take anything with my evening meal and I know by the time I go to the loo next morning if it was a mistake or not. Let us know how you get on if you give it a try.
Did this ever work out? ☺
Hi Eliana, not plucked up the courage to take it yet, it's still sitting on the kitchen worktop!
Hello, I have found Sunkist Prune Juice, sold in Holland & Barrett, really good for IBS C. You have to initially find out how much you need to take each day. For me, I found 75 mls of Prune juice, taken before breakfast and 75 mls before my evening meal, works best for my constipation. You can take 150 - 200 mls a day, in a single dose, if preferred. Hope this helps.
Hi..this is very helpful. I don't know what mls stands for. I live in the states. Do you warm it up in Microwave before? I heard it can shock the colon if anything is taken ice cold. Do you know if the mls you said is equal to one small glass? Or how many ounces is that? I tried prunes once but although they helped like a stimulant laxative..I was cramping badly. Does the prune juice do that. Should the prune juice be 100 percent juice? Or can it be from concentrate? I don't think we have the brand you mentioned in the states. Thanks for any help. ☺