I was wondering if anyone has tried using cannabis to treat thier IBS? If so what form and did it help? I was thinking of trying it
Cannabis for IBS: I was wondering if anyone has... - IBS Network
Cannabis for IBS

Never heard of it being used for ibs, but I'd say cannabis oils are better than smoking it as smoke is not good for ibs at all.

Hm I think ill try the oils i didnt know smoke can trigger ibs
What are your symptoms as other ways may be able to help

I've tried a lot of things without much help and I really hate a lot of medications like bentyl I didn't even want to try it because of all the awful things it can do, I'd use the oil for cramps and as an antispasmodic. Out of all the medicines this ones the safest I think I also know someone who uses for IBS d and it helps him a lot
Have you tried your own intolerance tests by leaving one food group out of your diet at a time for at least 2/3 weeks keeping a food and symptom diary to monitor any changes there might be

Yeah for me u I have to rotate what I eat but still there's random flares IBS just really sucks hah
I did try smoking - and it gave me a lot of relief, but I didn't want to become a smoker. But understanding why smoking was helping was a great move forward. You might want to check out my article on this first : sickofibs.com/ibs-triggers/...
Have a great day,

Thanks for the comment I really want to try it but I also don't really wanna be a smoker cause I can't smoke everywhere and if I don't feel good I can't rely on it also I don't wanna cause more problems
Totally agree with you on that. Have a look at the article. You don't need to become a smoker, or take anything in fact.
I Vape the oil. It needs to be a strong INDICA. No smell, no smoke, just vapor. Takes away my pain unless it's "hospital" pain. Then I need something stronger. If you're able, talk to someone that understands different strains for certain chronic pain. So many alternatives.
It wouldn't hurt. And, there are so many options other than smoking. Some great edibles, tinctures, etc. Keep me posted.