has anyone tried ground flaxseed/linseeds to help with IBS ,ive read good reports so plan to try it mixed in with porridge for breakfast ,apparently you need to grind the seeds for them to work as the whole seeds just pass through the body with no benefit.
Anyone tried ground linseed/flaxseed for IBS? - IBS Network
Anyone tried ground linseed/flaxseed for IBS?

Golden linseed really help. Seeds in general are great with lots of water
Whole seed aggravates the condition painfully,am told you can buy the oil on line.
I have just been diagnosed with IBS but have used ground flaxseed for Fibrocystic disease (thickening of breast tissue and cysts in breast) I took this along with evening primrose capsules, it helped a lot. Both are good for reducing inflammation in the body. It makes sense that it would calm the digestive system, I put it in homemade musli or porridge I've even taken it just mixed in with juice. As you say it has to be ground, I bought an inexpensive grinder from a well known auction site for mine, as the flaxseed you buy from the health food shops are really expensive. I buy my seeds from a local Asian supermarket. I hope this helps...
Thank you.i bought some yesterday and ground it myself I'm going to try it today with porridge.I'm running out of ideas to try for this ibs I've been searching for 20yrs.i read about a new probiotic called aflorex ive been taking it for 2weeks but its not helped at all.fingers crossed for the linseed.thanks again x
I take linseed, it helps with constipation but I cannot eat seeds so I buy it already in a powder. Holland and Barrett sell it, it seems quite expensive but I only use one small spoon a day in cereal. They have it mixed with goji berries, and various others flavours.
I have had IBS-C for as long as I care to remember and only this year I was introduced to Linseeds and they have been a life a saver I finally have normal working bowels. I just use the brown or golden ones in my porridge and yogurt not ground up or anything just as they come. I have even introduced them to my mum who doesn't have IBS but has suffered from constipation most of her life and even she has found them to be helpful far much healthier then relying on laxatives

Thanks for your reply,i will need to grind them up as I also have diverticular disease and its not safe to take whole seeds,glad they are working for you,I take magnesium citrate tablets for the constipation part of IBS these were a life saver,just had my first helping of the linseeds,fingers crossed they will help the other symptoms x
Hi, I've been taking linseed, ground and unground for about 2 months now. I experimented with the amount used and have found that a soup spoon and 1/⁴ of both ground and unground seems to help me. I eat it with my breakfast cereal. Although it seems to make me more regular and have firmer bm's accidents still occasionally happen. I have bought a large bag from Amazon and grind it myself. It does work out cheaper than buying from a supermarket. Good luck.
Didn't know you had diverticulitis then I now understand why you have to grind the Linseeds hope you get on ok with them x
Have tried the ground flaxseeds with great success. I now use 2 dessert spoonfuls with a bowl of muesli for breakfast.
Probably best to start off with a smaller amount and work up to see how it affects your symptoms. Seems to regulate everything, helps with the constipation side of things. Make sure you drink plenty with it. Also after I add my soya milk to the muesli and ground flaxseed mix I leave it for about 5 minutes to soften before I eat. I buy the ground flaxseed in Costco, don't know if you have access to one of these.
Don't expect any immediate results, I found it took a week or so to start to work.
Hi. When I was going through a period of severe constipation my doctor recommended flaxseed. You don't need to grind it, you can buy it ready done from health food shops and even Waitrose! I used to put around a desertspoon full on my cereal or porridge and it did the trick, quite a nice taste too, quite nutty. Obviously if you suffer the other way don't touch it!
Instead of grinding the seeds you can also soak them overnight in enough water to cover them in a glass, they will go soft and can be added straight to porridge etc.
I did but didn't work for me, all I got was really bad pain
You don't need to grind them I use flax and golden linseed and add them to my homemade muesli. What they do is absorb the liquid that's in your gut and swell up and make your stool more easy to pass.
I was diagnosed with IBS-C 16 yrs ago. I was absolutely miserable until I changed my diet (I'm gluten and dairy free now) and added ground flaxseeds every day! I usually eat 1-2 Tbsp and it makes soooo much of a difference, but you have to drink LOTS of water with them too. They even regulated my menstrual cycle. I cannot go a day without them! I even take the travel packets when I travel 😁