I have been dealing with debilitating diarrhea for years which has completely ruined my life. I believed it was IBSD and relagated my life to no relief and no forward life. I am 69 yrs old, very (before this plague) active & happy. My journey has been frought with ups & downs & mind/boggling depression. I have given up gluten, followed FODMAP, and basically tried every weird diet published. I even took Cholesyramine once a night before bed. NOTHING WORKED! Until I read a random blog that claimed taking Cholestramine immediately after you eat solved his problem. I tried it. Since I changed when I take it, I am 90% diarrhea free. Yes, I have occasional breakthroughs- but for the most part I am once again leading a normal life. I believe BAM is totally undiagnosed and completely underestimated.
First ever: I have been dealing with... - IBS Network
First ever

Is this available over counter or is prescribed? As I've had chronic diarrhea for 3 months and I'm starting to think because all my tests are negative that this is the life I have to live from now on now, if its helped you I'm wondering if it'll do the same for me
I see they won't prescribe me with anything no matter how much I ask
Hi Emsky, I don't know if you have been following this post since your comments, but what is being said here (in case you are unaware of it) is judyneedshelp actually has BAM not IBS. If you have not heard of this please goggle it, it might give you your life back.
I haven't been diagnosed with bam, I just thought cos we had similar symptoms that I might have been able to get my hands on the same meds to try help me
But have you been tested for BAM?
I don't think so? I've been getting tests done and not being told what they're for, just being told their coming back normal? I know they're looking for wheat allergy in one of them but that's it
So I guess they are just blood and stool tests then?
For now yes been told I'll be referred to gastrointestinal specialist if they don't find out what's wrong via the bloods and stools
That’s interesting. Were you told to take it at nighttime? I’m about to start my journey of taking meds for BAM but I haven’t got my prescription yet. Just wondering what they will prescribe for me & when they recommend it’s taken!! 🤔

Was told to take it at night. Didn’t work until I started taking it immediately after a meal.
Thank you. I’ll see how I get on!! I’m still waiting for my prescription!!! 😩
Judyneedshelp i was very interested to read about your medication. I have been on the FODMAP diet and it has worked for me. I wanted to ask, when you were on it, did you read the book? Or were you just given a diet sheet? The book explains why you can eat an item one day without effect and another day results in diarrhea. Good luck
That’s brilliant. I think you’re right, many docs miss the BAM diagnosis.
Hi what is BAM?
Tell your doctor to prescribe either Welchol or Colestipol...these will stop your diarrhea in its tracks!!! I take 6 tablets a day of Colestipol and I have my life back now!!