Ive had a change in bowel habits since I took a course of antibiotics 3 months ago.
I had awful diarrhea when I started the antibiotics and to date, my poop is still loose and it gets urgent when I have to go. I now go once or twice a day.
I had a cardiac test during the last 3 months and the medication they gave me for this gave me watery diarrhea.
Now, if I drink alcohol, I get diarrhea. Also, garlic and chillies make me looser too.
Ive been tested for CDiff and bacteria and these came back negative.
I had a Calprotecin test and as this came back at 35, the GP diagnosed IBS.
I cannot accept this diagnosis, Im 43. I thought IBS started in young people.
If there was anything sinister, could the Calprotectin detect this?
Im going out of my mind with worry.
Whatever time I wake up, whether it be early for the school run or after a lazy lay in at the weekend - after an hour or so, my bowel seems to wake up and I have to go!
Can anyone advise?
My GP knows how distressed I am and has referred me to see a gastro, but as I have no "red flags", i have to wait and it could be 18 weeks!
Thank you for reading this.
Liz x