Started with constipation ibs last November with the usual symptoms. Gp wants be to have colonoscopy. Does it hurt? What also worries me is empty stomach for 24 hours and getting painful acid stomach. Welcome your comments. Thanks.
Colonoscopy : Started with constipation ibs last... - IBS Network

Not at all no - you just can’t eat anything for several hours beforehand and have to take a laxative to clean out the colon.
Nothing to worry about 👍
No it will not hurt-you can be sedated but still awake
The bowel has to be empty that's why you cannot eat anything but it will soon be over and you will be given something light to eat after. Good Luck
I have had 2 colonoscopies in recent years and both of them were fine pain wise. I had sedation both times, which made things much more pleasant. It depends on the hospital policy though as to what if any sedation they give. It is quicker for them if they don’t give sedation because then they don’t need to monitor you afterwards. Also they won’t give sedation unless you have someone to take you home.
People tend not to like the bowel prep. Again different hospitals use different things. It’s not particularly pleasant (and the stuff you need to drink doesn’t taste nice) but I was ok with it.
If you get acid reflux you can possibly still take medication for it right up until the procedure - check with the hospital.
Good luck. I think it’s worth getting it done.
I had one two months ago, first time, and I was obviously a bit nervous and apprehensive. I can truthfully say it was nothing at all to be anxious about. I had light sedation, it was over in 20 minutes, staff were amazing and I was given tea and toast and allowed home an hour later. No problems whatsoever . The worst part is the prep beforehand, you must adhere totally to the instructions. I would recommend a light diet a few days before you start your prep, as obviously the less there is inside, the less has to come out!! I was given Moviprep to take, and I mixed it with some diluting orange juice which helped a lot. Avoid any kind of red juice though ! Good luck .
If you're worried about the prep, some hospitals will allow you to have a colonic irrigation instead. You'd need to check this with your doctor obviously, and make sure you go to a registered therapist, but a lot of people find this a much better option. Good luck!
Hi, moseypowell, I have had this. The day before you will be able to eat breakfast up until a certain time. I had to drink the solution you mix with water, some doctors have different preps. Which ever one you have you will well cleaned out, this is what you want! In the morning at the hospital you will be put into twilight sleep, honestly I did not feel or hear a thing. You wake up, given something to drink, get dressed, go home and take it easy for the rest of the day. After it is over you will wonder you worried so much! Maxbella1007
Had one done two years ago. like most have said on here, the worst part is the prep. However, you can prepare for the prep. I watched quite a few youtube videos about people talking about their prep expereince. One video said 'when the laxatives take effect, it feels like you are peeing, but from the other end' he he!. Sorry, too much information.
There's also quite a few forums like this one, where people share how they gulped down the moviprep/Klean Prep. e.g. mouthful of 7-up after each glass, drinking the solution through a straw etc.etc.
Also, do your research about what sedation/analgesic methods are avaaialble I opted for without sedation/analgesics. (did ask for 'laughing gas' more as a joke, but they didn't have any). There was only slight discomfort when the thing went round a couple of bends in the intestine. The trick is to relax as much as possible. If you tense up it causes more discomfort. However, this may be a moot point if you opt for sedation/analgesics. I think without sedation option may depend on previous medical history and other factors.
If the medical facility has video recording option, ask for the procedure to be video recorded. That way you can see it yourself afterwards (especially good if you do it under sedation - because you can watch video afterwards when you're fully concious). Also, the gastroentrologist is likely to take his/her time when performing procedure. I think, as a benchmark they have to spend x minutes inspecting colon/intestines when taking out the instrument, so if video recorded they probably will be more careful looking for polyps etc.
AFter procedure I received a report Normal mucosa, no ulceration, no polyps. It's great that colonscopies don't usually have to be repeated for 10 years (in most cases). I do remember being on cloud-9 soon after procedure (even though quite hungry).
All the best.
I've had Cllonoscopies, they are fine and you'll be sedated. Remember not to inadvertely drink red juice or eat red jelly sweets.
Best of luck

No. You can choose to have/not to have sedation:
Have a look at Page 6 of 12
You should go and see a gastroentrologist and explain symptoms:
A colonoscopy for IBS related symtoms seems OTP (Over the TOP). The GP may be being overly cautious.