Hi. I am a 45 year old man. I have suffered with IBS for most of my adult life. I have had my entire digestive system checked along with all the usual blood tests. No diagnosable conditions have been found, hence the final diagnosis of IBS. I have recently also been diagnosed with an overactive bladder, which is a common condition in those that have IBS. The treatment I have been given for overactive bladder is a relatively new drug called Mirabegron. I have been taking this drug daily for the past six weeks and guess what? Not only have my bladder symptoms stopped, but so to all my IBS symptoms. Completely. Gone. To put this in context, in the past decade I have not had more than a day without symptoms of IBS. Coincidence? Unlikely I think. Has anyone else been prescribed Mirabegron and if so what are your experiences in relation to IBS?
Possible Cure?! : Hi. I am a 45 year old man. I... - IBS Network
Possible Cure?!

Amazing! No luck for me but may speak to gp
Was it IBS C or IBS D that it helped?
I'm so happy for you! I had what was believed to be OAB, but turns out my brain/ bladder connection aren't functioning properly. I have urinary retention. Meribegron simply worsened the retention.
My bladder issues came first, then the "IBS". I'm glad you've found an answer.
That’s wonderful and I am so happy for you! You must feel amazing! Did you mainly have diarrhoea and and “overactive” bowel? Mirabegron is a drug that blocks the muscarinic receptors in the bladder. There are muscarinic receptors in the bowel as well, so it may we’ll be blocking those and calming your bowel down too. My hubby works in pharmacy, so he knows a good bit about this drug. It might give you a dry mouth and dry eyes I’m afraid. I really hope you keep having relief from you symptoms 😊