Hi, I feel like I'm a very lucky girl today. I have suffered with 'IBS' for 12 years. It started with a really bad stomach bug. After that I would have cramping, wind and lots of diarrhoea. Obviously I went to the docs and after having a few tests, I was diagnosed with IBS. Over the years I have suffered and it has been a long process. I developed gallstones and had my gall bladder taken out 2 years ago. Since then the symptoms got worse. I have been to so many GP's who basically just shrugged their shoulders and said IBS is what it is and unfortunately you have to put up with it. Well, one doctor got fed up with me keep going on about my diarrhoea and while almost huffing, he said he would refer me to a gastroenterologist. (I think it was just to shut me up). In September I went to the gastro specialist and I explained all my symptoms and mentioned I'd had my gall bladder removed. He sent me for a Sehcat scan, a test for bile acid malabsorption. If it does, this can cause painful stomach cramping, smelly wind and lots and lots of diarrhoea. There is medication you can take to help this. If you have these symptoms, it might be worth asking your GP to refer you. I feel like it's been a long journey, but I've got there in the end. Thank you for reading my post and good luck.
Sehcat test.: Hi, I feel like I'm a very lucky... - IBS Network
Sehcat test.

Thank you
Great news - thanks for sharing. Keep well!
Hi like you I've had 12-13yrs of being told I have IBS,now I've also had my gallbladder removed and it also made my symptoms worse. But I have gone through that many scans,I wouldn't know if I have had a Sehcat scan or not,because 13yrs ago I just went with the flow,and didn't ask questions. A bit different to the me today.
So would you be kind enough to tell me what it was,then I will know if I've had one or not?? Thank you.

Hi Gemini 71. It is a nuclear scan. You take a capsule and are scanned at a certain time on the day you take the capsule and then the second scan is exactly the same time one week later. How it works , I don't know, but they can tell how much bile salts have been absorbed. If you've had your gallbladder out and get lots of diarrhoea, stomach cramps and wind then go to your GP and ask if you can be referred. Not all NHS trusts do this test. Also if you google Sehcat scan you can get some info online. Good luck. P.S. I don't think this test was around 13 years ago so chances are you didn't have it.
Thank you for that,I gather as much information as I can,because the pain I suffer is becoming unbearable,adding to that,wind bloating ect.
So thanks I'll mention it to my Gastrologist
After 18 years of torment and distress I have just had a SehCat scan and it was positive. I have bile acid malabsorption after having my gall bladder out 18 years ago.
I can't tell you the number of tests and pills I have had.
Now my Consultant has put me on Cholestyramine three times a day.
I am on my third week and it's like a miracle. I just cannot believe I've cracked it.
I was led to believe that I had IBSd but now I realize it was BAD/ BAM after all
All you sufferers out there get yourself checked out with a SehCat scan. Many people who have had their gall bladders out have seen the light just like me.
I think that the medical profession have just realized what is going on. About time too.😀😀😀
See Gillp55 above for what it involves. You may have to fight for it because it's expensive and not all hospitals do it. Privately it costs about £600
Best of luck to you all
Google it😎
Thanks for posting. It's just sad that we have had to suffer for so long. As you will know it's not just the diarrhoea but the constant stomach cramps pain also. I hope more people can get the test. Good luck on the medication and I hope it continues to work forever for you. x
Sorry for delay in replying.I was given cholestyramine also known by the brand name of Questran
I started on three sachets a day and it seemed like a miracle cure at first but recently I have had a few glitches.
Nothing major but annoying just the same
I have just spent Christmas in New York and what with time changes and jet lag etc I wonder if I got my doses out of sinc.
I am back now and hope to take the doses spread out throughout the day again.
I also question whether the Questran is better than the generic stuff. It certainly looks and tastes different
I have to pick up some Questran from the chemist tomorrow so I will see if that makes a difference.
I have also found that the medication causes a lot of wind which is not so good👎
The one I have is an orange flavoured powder that you mix with water and stir in for about 2 mins. It is just called Colestyramine powder. I'm just taking one at bedtime which can be increased to another in the morning if not working. I have noticed a bit of a difference, but know what you mean about the wind. On my 6th day, so still early days yet.
Yes the cholestyramine is quite a bright orange color and quite a strong orange flavour... Not unpleasant
The Questran light brand is much paler and tastes different but again not unpleasant
I have read recently that the Questran light is being discontinued but that is what my pharmacist has ordered for me so we will see.
My Gastro man said to take three a day but the leaflet says you can take up to six if needed.
I have my next appointment at the end of January so I'll report back then. Meanwhile keep me posted about how you are doing