Hi iv been diagnosed with IBS but am not convinced, my colonoscopy was ok apart from saying my preparation was bad ! Even tho I drank it all ...could they miss something if my bowels weren't clear properly? Also I'm seeing a gynecologist for heavy periods and irregular ones ,going thru my change I think ..also so itchy down below but only of a night ..drives me crazy ..anyone no what cream to use ? Also I'm so tired all the time ...I've recently being getting constipation after years of constant diarrhea..cramps are worse I was just wondering could it be endometriosis? Had an abnormal smear ..also some endometrial biopsies ...still waiting on results anyone had same problems?
IBS or endometriosis: Hi iv been diagnosed with... - IBS Network
IBS or endometriosis

Hi Minidriver,
IBS does not show up on a colonoscopy as it is essentially a syndrome with no obviously visible physical causes. A colonoscopy is used to rule out other non-IBS physical causes and of cause things like cancer so an all-clear is good news but also frustrating since it can be a longer journey to indentify what is causing your symptoms and how best to address them. Please do speak to your gastro about this to get advice about next steps and whether the test should be redone. Its accuracy is extremely good when the bowel is clear.
I have endometriosis and this was only diagnosed through a laparoscopy. The ultra-sound scans were clear. i presume your endometrial biopsies will answer this question, although i never had these so don't know for certain. Endo and IBS symptoms can be very similar so definitely worth seeing if endo is the problem since surgery can be helpful e.g. if bowel is sticking to other organs and that is the root cause of your problems.
Hope that helps. I guess for now it is about making sure you get the best answers you can from your specialists but will be interested to see other responses to your message.
Hey thanks for your reply ,I'm hoping the results show something, just so I can say ...yes this is what it is ...will post when I no 😊
Yes please do let us know. I agree , it is better to have a diagnosis and treatment plan than some ibs nonsense. The mini pill has massively helped my own endo symptoms
Well guess what ... supposed to go get results today ... consultant off sick ... typical..she only works one day a week and next available appointment is Jan lol gotta laugh 🤪 so apparently there sending results to my doctors ...that's another 2 week wait to see them ..and to top it all I've a bloody painful ingrowing toe nail lol jeez....😊
Hi! I thought my IBS could be endometriosis so had the disgnositic laparoscopy op to see but no endo. I’ve always suffered from really bad periods and a lot of pain, I reccomend the coil as hormonal treatment is a treatment for endo as well as normal heavy/irregular periods and pain. Coil has worked miracles for me. Haven’t had a period since I got it!! The only way to diagnose endo is a op under full anaesthetic so wouldn’t reccomend unless desperate. Good luck x