Hi all ive posted on here before about anal itching but now its mearly 3 yrs non stop daily. Worried i have something serious. I recently saw a natropath put me on a probiotic amd grapefruit seed to kill worms fungus and bacteria as she performed iridology but i had gas pain after certain foods peripd pain no period and itching. I have an internal hemmoroid that popped out again but i have tried every cream every diet and nothing! Any advice or help would be great.
Anal itching worried its serious: Hi all ive... - IBS Network
Anal itching worried its serious

Three years is a very long time. If you haven’t been checked out properly by a doctor and maybe ask for a referral to a specialist for a proper internal examination to check out all possible causes. I would do that rather than keep on trying ‘cures’. Then if they can’t find anything try other things.
Hi, it seems that it could be a small cut through constipation or piles which itch a lot,i gt a cream from my doctor called scheriproct ointment which takes itch and swelling away.
I experienced similar and all doctors could tell me was that there was nothing wrong. I suffered until one doctor suggested I try aqueous cream and I've had no problems since then.
You need to see a doctor. Three years is too long to suffer and a lot of "natural" remedies do not work.
Hi. Do you use a hemorrhoid cream such as anusol regularly? I had itching for a period of time and it was driving me mad. I then had allergy testing for skin irratants (at the hospital where they do patch testing on your back over a couple of days) and one of the ingredients I was highly sensitive to was Balsam of Peru which was in the hemorrhoid cream so I was making the area worse every time I put it on. I stopped using it and have been fine since.
Ive tries like 15 ceeams always worse at night
Pinworm. Very common, they party and hang out on your a-hole at night (to lay eggs). I had them before.
I'm here again now 5 yes of this dress are cluless how did you get better can you help i feel wriggling
Hi Contra21. Have you found any relief yet? I have been in the same boat as you, for at least five years now. I have been to every doctor possible, like you, and no real results. Tons of creams, medicines ..... nothing.
Some things I've found hat have brought a little relief from time to time:
1. My OB-GYN prescribed Diltiazem. This unfortunately didn't help. However, the steroid did bring amazing relief. It was a happy moment, but short-lived. I can tell you the particular one he gave though if you want. It was in suppository form. Unfortunately, we cannot use a steroid often
2. Balneol - My OB GYN also suggested this. This is a cleansing solution. I use it after a BM and it does help so it doesn't get as agitated.
3. Shea Butter -- It has to be pure shea butter with no other ingredients. That assisted for several months with some relief, but like everything else, it seems to not be as effective anymore.
4. Soaking in the bath tub. I do this morning and night and it does make me feel better immediately after. Sometimes when it gets so bad, I jump in for a little soak and do get some relief for a while.
If you've come across any other tips, please share! Thank you.
No relief like you exactly. Ppl say its candida who the hell knows another test another test all i do is tests
You still have itching
Yes, unfortunately. I've noticed that when I am stressing about something, it really acts up. Just an observation. How has your situation been lately?
Everyday. Been 5 years or something now. I hate it and drs are useless. I had the colonoscopy in 2019 all clear so I'm stumped. Had parasite tests all.clear. every day I itch and today it bled I don't know how to make it stop
I'm sorry. I know how miserable it is. I'm still using the 100% Shea butter (the thick, pure yellow stuff)-just a light amount. That does seem to bring some relief still.
Hasn't stopped for you either,?
Nope, sure hasn't. I don't even know how many years it's been.
You have colonoscopy, creams too?
They never ordered a colonoscopy, but now I'm at the age where I have to get them anyhow. So we'll see how that goes. I know youve had one and they never found anything.
So we just deal with it?
I know, right? What do we do? Okay, here is something maybe worth exploring. I've learned more about fecal transplants. I originally heard about it on a documentary - I believe on Netflix. Have you heard? It sounds absolutely disgusting, but it's done in a medical setting. I know they do it in Mexico for various diseases and have good luck treating many things. I've never tried. I do know of a person that has done it and he said it did help him with some disease he had. They only do it in the US for one particular condition and it's performed in the Boston area. Apparently it changes the microbiome of the gut (and small and large intestines). I've recently learned from someone that told me, and I don't know how I feel about this, that very regular anal sex (weekly or so) can accomplish the same, but it takes time. As I said, I'm not sure how I feel about that, but just telling you everything I am discovering, whether right or wrong.
I think this issue could also be hereditary. Did either of your parents have any issues that they dismissed as hemorrhoids by chance? My father who has passed, had terrible lifelong issues as long as I can remember. He constantly used PreperationH, but I don't think it really ever helped him.
That's why I saw a dr for the gut but tests are 1000, she said if I fox my gut itching may go.
Did she give a regimen on how she proposes to fix the gut?
I can't afford the testing yet
Oh got ya, now I see that you said they were $1000. Ouch. Yeah they get you on that stuff. I don't know if you have Life Extension there, buy you can order your own tests and they provide great support at explaining them. MY be worth looking into if so. I've used them for multiple things and can't say enough good things about them.
Hi wanted to check to see if you are still on here. I found some relief recently so let me know if you are still around .....
Still here and still in itchy hell,!
I get it. I know mine is probably at the ten year mark or so now.
My best solution is ......... ready? A bidet. Have you tried one? )If so, this may not help you but I'm hoping you haven't). They aren't even a thing really, here in the states. My husband bought the Tushy off of Amazon. Unfortunately it turned into a big project because we had to end up changing the toilet in order for the attachment to fit. I was upset at first because we are planning to immigrate to Canada so I didn't want to spend any money on this house.
I am so thankful. I use it for every poo religiously and then just dab after. Never wipe. Over time the itching was lesser and lesser. (I also eat fermented foods like sauerkraut and kimchi for gut health). Right now, I am itch free. I ant believe it an di don't want to jinx it. It's been a nightmare as you are aware. I don't know if it will last but after trying hundreds of products, this has been the best solution. I thought about you the other day and wanted to share.
Hello Contra21, Shaun here, have you tried cutting out dairy, I suffer with the same as you, and my doctor told me it was an imbalance with the gut flora and fauna and to try cutting out dairy, I tried this and it did work, Just a shot in the dark and I am by all means no medical expert nor a GP but try giving it a go and let me know how you progress ? Much love and supportive hugs
S xxxxxxxxx

Did a raw diet 2 years , nothing helped. Feel it's parasites but drs say no
You mentioned your period, has it started? Are they irregular?
Sounds like you've got a pretty extreme problem. So the solution is obviously extreme too. But, simple too. It sounds like you're willing to try anything. I'll tell you what I would do. Start fasting. Just drink water for a few days. Too extreme for you? Well, suck it up, you want to heal right? Atleast only do liquids for 3-4 days, only water if you truly want faster results. After those days, you will do some sort of detox. What you desperately need to do is to do the pure 100% natural gum turpentine, humans have used it for hundreds of years. Jennifer Daniels is an expert on the stuff; YouTube. Parasites have no resistance to it, 100%that's your problem. Give it a shot!
I’ve been dealing with Pruritus ani for 9 years! The only relief I’ve found (and I’ve tried numerous creams and steroids from drs) is taking a prescription anti histamine..I’ve read that cheeses, chocolate, deli meats, and caffeine, all cause the itch and I think are high in histamine. I want to go to the dr and check out my histamine levels when all this corona stuff is over..do you have other symptoms? I was also diagnosed with ibsd a year ago and have essential tremor, all symptoms of high histamine levels from what I’ve read..hopefully we can find some relief because I know it is hard dealing with the itch every day!!!
Maybe try something like this. Three years is too long to leave things! "Mebendazole is a type of medicine for treating worms. It is used mainly for infections of the gut such as threadworms (sometimes known as pinworms) and other less common worm infections (whipworm, roundworm and hookworm). You can buy mebendazole from a pharmacy. It's also available on prescription".

Tried it should I try again? I did a 3 day parasite test last year all clear. I'm so tired of this
Contra21, has Anogenital Pruritus been ruled out?
What's that?
Contra21, click on the ncbi link in my first response for an overview of anogential pruritus explaining about anogential skin being more prone for itchy dermatoses. There may also be a dietary deficiency component. Here is another link to click on and hopefully it will offer additional pieces to the puzzle.