So im 22 years of age and still not properly diagnosed, this all started a year and a half ago where I went out for 2 drinks at a local night club I rarely drunk before all this anyway! I had the most horrendous stomach pain coming home and ended up throwing up blood and passing in my stool! doctors prescribed me Lanzoprazole for 2 months failing to tell me my bloods were abnormal coming up with H. Pylori Stomach Infection they then gave me 8 tablets a day of Antibiotics for a week which symptoms decreased for 2 weeks and I was able to be more or less painless for 2 weeks but not 100% back to my self, only for symptoms to come back and me now be on Lanzoprazole for a year and a half which is If im correct it relines the stomach/intestines with a coating enabling it to heal! So for months then being on a waiting list to see a specialist in hospital (Gastroenteroligist) for him to send me away with saying its most likely IBS considering my mother and grandmother both diagnosed with IBS, It seems even following the low FODMAP diet he insisted on still makes me incredibly bloated to the point of pain/discomfort and worse than my family they seem to be able to drink alcohol / tea and eat junk food to some extent where I have been drinking water and eating brown rice with veg majority of the last year and a half to be in a state where people have said I look like I have lost weight, unable to dance/ skateboard two of my favorite hobbies and be as active in general! I may even be losing my job in the grocery store where I work harder than everyone who are fit and well, which then I get taken advantage of because I work to please and avoid confrontation at all costs which I guess I do to avoid stress/anxiety! but now they have worked me too much I have caved! I recently got back with my ex girlfriend as she is there for me I cant go on alone after I have made sacrifices after sacrifice only for my symptoms to get worse and worse! I have always been the most social and active butterfly which now my life consists of researching a problem which has a million or no answers and seeing noone because im a burden to be around not like I can get involved in the activities anyhow any suggestions ? Sorry for the book of terrible English but very appreciated and many thanks if you got this far! <3 xxx
22yo Is it IBS is it serious?: So im 22 years of... - IBS Network
22yo Is it IBS is it serious?

Sorry to hear you are going through this at 22!! I know that there are effective and safe treatments out there and hopefully soon they will be available for prescription. But you can try them already from pharmacies and health stores, its called enterosgel and what it does it adsorbs the bad molecules which can cause IBS in the gut and expelling them with the stool, working like intestinal adsorbents. read some reviews online, people say enterosgel returned their lives! and the best thing it is not a drug. hope you feel better very soon!! Enterosgel is also used after antibiotic treatment and and HPylori. your mother and grandmother can also take it, a sachet or a tbs one to three times a day.
hey Salige thankyou so much for your reply, Symptoms seem to be getting worse as im having more acid reflux even more bloating to the point of its keeping me up til very ;ate hours in the night, im waiting for one more test to see if its IBD (inflammatory bowel disease), Im definitely going to give Esterosgel some research and if doctors still have inconclusive tests will most likely give it a go as Im searching for any answer at this time! again thankyou so much for your feedback will keep you updated on how im doing! hope your all well!
Hi djmorg, I understand what an impact "IBS" can have and am sorry to hear that you are suffering. Just wondering if you have been checked again for the H. Pylori Stomach Infection as this can recur and might still be the cause of your problems? I'd recommend getting this checked again just in case (if you have not already) since it can be treated even if it sometimes takes more than one round of treatment. Also, have you had your stomach acid levels checked? Both high and low stomach acid can cause similar symptoms but need to be treated differently. Hopefully your symptoms will fully resolve once an ongoing issue can be identified and properly treated.
Hey liz, thankyou so much for your reply symptoms seem to be getting even worse id say its gotten 10 times worse in the last month! as im having more acid reflux, bloating, trigger foods resulting in more pain even keeping me up til late hours of the night and waking me up very early! thats weird because when I went to the specialist in hospital which I waited months for I said isit possible the H.pylori could of come back and he said there is no way of it coming back and if it did my body would be twice as immune from having treatment which didnt sound right to me but then I thought hes the specialist so I listened! im going to ask again as doctors have not been very good with me so who knows! so possibly it didnt go in the first place! Im not sure if they have checked my stomach acid levels but again it will be something I bring up when I get results im waiting for they are checking for (Inflammatory bowel disease) thankyou again so much for your feedback hope your all well and will keep you up to date! hope i get my life back soon
Re-infection is rare but it can happen so worth a recheck just in case. The drug you are on, the PPI Lanzoprazole, could also be a cause of your issues. Long term use can cause a host of gut problems as humans are not supposed to have so low an acid count in the stomach. You only need 2 months on the drug to heal an ulcer. Once the H. Pylori was eradicated you don't need this drug anymore. If you research PPIs you will see a large body of info on the serious drawbacks to long term use. Including SIBO. You could have killed of the H. Pylori that causes ulcers only to grow a host of new bacteria that causes other issues.
Hi - i completely agree with kilgh's post. I would also add that while i have no medical experience my mother in law had h.pylori 2x - either not fully eradicated first time or it recurred again about 6 months after first treatment ended. She had terrible acid reflux and other stomach related symptoms from an ulcer and the infection. After the second course of treatment she was cured and has been fine for about 8 years. She stopped taking ppi's. Let us know how you get on.