No pain....just constant Poop!: Hello, I read a... - IBS Network

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No pain....just constant Poop!

Flik22 profile image
18 Replies

Hello, I read a lot about people suffering with abdominal pain with there IBS, go to the loo then all is relieved!? I don't have any pain apart from slight bloating/full feelings.

My discomfort is actually in my bottom, I can physically feel my exit end fill up with mushy poo! Sorry to be graphic only way i feel I can explain!!!! I will go to the loo feel relieved for about half hour than the feelings come back (twinges/bubbling/ grumbling) I have to clench and can feel poop here when I do!! Also when I'm sat down I swear I can feel the poo it's that close to the end!! I wonder if is wind, but nope I can feel the poo sitting there again! Its such an uncomfortable feeling and always there!!!! I appreciate I am highly sensitive to this area, but does anyone else suffer like this?? I'm not joking I have 24hour need to poo not just a few times a day!! I guess I have a fast bowel transit time, so any advice on slowing this down would be much appreciated too?

I hate it, I constantly worry I'll have an accident as I don't feel very secure down there!! As though I'm loosing control!! So scary!


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Flik22 profile image
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18 Replies
b1b1b1 profile image

Have you discussed this with your gastroenterologist. If not, it would be good to do so.

Flik22 profile image
Flik22 in reply to b1b1b1

I have no one seems concerned and say it's just IBS! Xx

b1b1b1 profile image
b1b1b1 in reply to Flik22

Have you seen a gastroenterologist? There may be some tests and possible treatments. If you have been informed by the gastro that it is IBS, ask him if there is any treatment for your uncomfortable situation. Otherwise, I can only suggest the FODMAP diet and probiotics, or possibly a dietician.

Eliana5 profile image
Eliana5 in reply to Flik22

Bah hum bug. Gastros don't do diddly but ignore or dismiss you. Make sure if you do go, to make sure they have good Google reviews from other patients, and a great bedside manner, because many don't. Also try a Colon or rectal specialist more familiar with that area.

Linley profile image

Agree with b1b1b1-get a proper diagnosis -a gastro would do certain elimination tests before saying its IBS. You could have a tear in your exit as you say. You could be just sensitive at your exit. I appreciate what you are saying as I to get a lot of "sensitivity" that end and I often take a loo break just in case but half the time it is in my case wind(my hubby has learned to put up with it) and like you I do not always get pain as my symptoms of IBS have changed over the years but I feel less anxious as I know it is IBS as confirmed by a gastro after the elimination tests. When you have IBS long enough you begin to understand your body more and can manage it. Good Luck!

Eliana5 profile image

Yes, I have this. It's no fun at all. It's messy, sludgy, and just sits what seems on Anus. It is normally a major ordeal to go to the bathroom when stool gets like this. Then it's back and Tarry. Colonoscopy - no diverticulitis, or inflamation, Chron's disease. I am thinking it is because I tend to have a sweet tooth due a new med I was prescribed (Seroquel). And could be because I eat donuts with chocolate glazing, or oreos, so I really have to watch my sweet tooth, and stay away from hard to digest things like cookies, chocolate ice cream or any kind of dark cookies like Oreos or fudge cookies. Also, have you been tested for dumping syndrome? I am going to have this done, tired of living like this.

Eternity78 profile image

when you say i can feel ..then go to the toilet and check it out you actually see " the poo" or it was only a false alarm feeling ? or do you see other things like secretions and pus and mucus that can be excreted from an internal hemorrhoid or an inflamed fissure ??

mostly "general surgeons" or a colorectal specialist are more experienced in this condition than a regular Gastrologist doctor might have a condition called " protruded rectum " that cause these feelings and issues " look it up in Google as the images will better clarify this condition .

Flik22 profile image

Omg I just googled and nope that's not what I have! The poop sits inside just extremely close to the exit all the time!! I have seen a private consultant and had a camera! Also ct scan and various other tests which is why they say IBS! I'm not convinced which doesn't help my anxiety! I know it's a vicious circle and wish I could get myself out of it! Xx

sweetsusie profile image

Try to get your doctor to prescribe Welchol or Colestipol. These 2 drugs will stop all diarrhea...

101256 profile image

I have had very similar for a long time and felt I had to find a way to help myself. Half heartedly tried the FODMAP diet two years ago with not much success, but having heard brilliant success stories thought I would give it another go but this time followed it to the letter OMG within 5 days I was normal, this is my 7th week with no mushy poo. I used an amazing app on my phone where I can scan the barcodes on any foods in supermarket and it will say yes or no without it I wouldn’t have stuck to it because FODMAPs are hidden in everything. I am so happy I want to say to everyone with ibs d please give it a go but you must commit 100%. It has changed my life !!!

Flik22 profile image
Flik22 in reply to 101256

Do you eat the gluten free breads? I found they don't help me cos of all the added stuff in them and so struggled with life without bread!!!! I do have a low fodmap book, but I'm also dairy free and so found it all a bit too much!! Maybe I should try and be strict with it too, but again my issue really is the gluten free bread! 🙄 Xx

Hanneesweedie profile image
Hanneesweedie in reply to 101256

I have seen lots of people recommending the fodmap diet but to my knowledge this is only a temporary thing. I saw a dietician who said that it should not be followed long term due to not providing everything we need, but should be used to identify triggers.

101256 profile image

Yes I cut out gluten about 5 years ago, on the FODMAP diet you can’t eat all gluten free bread some contains hidden FODMAPs but there are some that you can have. Are you dairy free because of the lactose? On the Fodmap diet you have to eliminate most dairy unless it’s lactose free. I honestly cannot believe the difference it has made and so quickly but as I said before the key is you must be strict. We went on holiday and basically I lived on steak, chips and salad for two weeks when we ate out because it was the only thing I had complete control over but once back home it’s surprisingly easy. After about 6-8 weeks you very gradually introduce different groups of food but in a controlled way. The app I mentioned takes you through each step.

Flik22 profile image
Flik22 in reply to 101256

What was the app you used on your phone ? I'm dairy free because through my own elimination I found dairy was a trigger, but then I'm still suffering so maybe I should introduce it back in!! Xx

101256 profile image
101256 in reply to Flik22

I have an iPhone not sure what it was called but it is pale blue with FODMAP written across the top with a fork and heart underneath, I looked through all the apps until I found one that had the scanner I think it may have cost a few ponds I can’t remember, but I’m sure android will have the equivalent. This is the thing it enables you to find out exactly which food dosn’t agree with you xx

Merth83 profile image

I get those feelings on my bad days right before a bout of diarrhea. Imodium is my best friend. I've also been taking a calcium carbonate supplement daily that has really improved my BMs. I only really have bad ones now if I've eaten things that I know disagree with me.

Susan1-2 profile image

Try Monash diet. If it doesn’t work see a colorectal doctor and ask for a defecography to see if you have prolapse

Edawg666 profile image

I can relate in that every morning I wake (early) and start having bowel movements (no pain) usually 5-8, feel finished, go back to bed only to have to get back on bowl 10 minutes later. It's like groundhog day, same thing every day no break (unless I take opiates at night). I take Viberzi in the morning to stop the madness but it basically just constipates me until the next morning. Not sure what I have. Was fine until a colonoscopy in Sept 2018 then all hell broke loss. Never had issues before, could eat anything and had regular bowel movements 1-2 per day. So lost. Have spent so much money and time and seen every specialists in NJ/Philly even endocrinologists and Infectious disease centers and nothing..I think it is dysbiosis with maybe parasites and candida but nobody can tell me for sure, stool testing has been negative. Every day is a struggle, would love to get some semblance of a life back. Hanging in there for sake of family otherwise..not so sure.

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