I am trying to see if anyone responded to the person who got urgency and bladder pain from Imodium. I have it, but if we are only 2 of the millions, it is a coinkydink, no?
Imodium and bladder problems: I am trying to see... - IBS Network
Imodium and bladder problems

It seems to make me pee quite a bit and irritate my bladder in the first couple of hours then it settles down - I have heard of quite a few others on here that it does that to - sometimes I'd rather have that than the other !
I get it but hadn't connected it to Imodium just thought it was my nerves making me feel I need to wee urgently but then I get there and I don't need to I'm so glad I'm not alone it's a horrible feeling
Sorry I don't have any advice either but we aren't alone
i have this disturbing issue with imodium , i even wrote a post about it long time ago here , i stopped taking Imodium because of the urgency and associated bladder pain that i get exactly after one hour after taking it ..well many say they put up with having to go to just urinate rather than having a bowel movement ..but in my case unfortunately ..if i need to go for number one only , then all the other numbers will follow and come together , if you get what i mean 😣 then waste time in the bathroom when i actually take this pill to avoid going to the bathroom in the first place ..loosing the game again and back to square 1 😳😩😓
I personally haven't noticed this problem. I think, however, that Immodium works by removing water from the colon and thus reducing diarrhea. The water removed from the colon would result in a little more peeing.
I take imodium in liquid form. Do you take it in liquid, or pill form? I take mine when i eat my main meal, once per day, so as it's not the only thing in my stomach. I found that the imodium worked best when I ate, and took it at same time. Maybe this could help you as the food will dillute the potency of the medicine while still being effective for your needs. I hope this helps, and I will look for any replies to this , if I can help in any way.
I realized that I thought I was getting a urinary tract infection every time I needed to take the loperamide to treat diarrhea. I then put a few things together and realized that there must be something that is irritating my bladder from the medication. I don't see many other places that have this as a side effect.