I always have to strain to have a bowel movement otherwise it will not fully evacuate. Is there a natural remedy I can take for this kind of ibs. Just had my first SIBO breath test yesterday. Awaiting for the results to come back. Please somebody help.!
7 to 10 bowel movements a day. : I always have... - IBS Network
7 to 10 bowel movements a day.

In addition to a good laxatve such as Movicol, try using a mini-enema (Micralax or Fleet) after your first bowel movement which should clear out any remaining stool.
Ive had ibs for years and years and to tell truth ive tried everything.
I go between ibs c to d! Theres not reasoning behind why other then i eat one of my trigger foods il b in toilet all day if i dont i may go 2-4 days without goin.
The only thing that works for me is when i do have a flare i use buscopan and senocalm ibs tablets and that stops
The pain and let it come out and When i have the other i take lactulose solution.
I went to see a gastro specialist ( i did have candida /sibo)and she told me not to treat the problems as they come treat it as a whole so about 18months ago i went on a diet of no sugar, no processed food , no dairy and no gluten. Also to make ur gut flora healthy.
So i take probiotics, enzymes( breaks down the food u eat) magnesium( as most people that have ibs are usually lacking ) vitamin c.
After changing my diet and these tablets i have had 2 episodes in 18months and that coz someone “ gluted” me. So i defo have a intolerance to gluten. I reintroduce some dairy, ie abit of lactose free cheese every now and again.
I cant eat spice or garlic or onions.
I just eat really clean and healthy which has not just resulted to ibs going i also have lost 2 stone( i was slim anyway) my hair, nails, skin look healthier, i have loads more energy.
So it case of really treating ur problem ie IBS NOT just treating the c or d
Have you tried stool softeners. There is a brand in the US called Colace.
Fybogel I was having about 5 movements a day now it’s down to 2 sometimes even only 1. It’s a plant extract so natural and safe to take long term
What is it
It’s a natural fibre some sort of husk from a plant works for ibs-c and mild ibs-d it’s the best thing I’ve tried
I take two products...one excellent probiotic...it also contains four enzymes to get rid of the bad flora....and I take a magnesium supplement that is very gentle. I'm normal again!