Hey everyone,
It has been a LONG while since I last was on here (some may of noticed my return by replies; better late than never I guess ^^; ). Anyway got a bit of a status update for you all regarding my IBS-D situation~~
Medicine wise:
I’ve discovered that Probiotics just DO NOT agree with me in the slightest. I’ve tried so so many and they work for like two weeks then have the opposite effect
Metamucil did absolutely nothing for me so that has ceased. I’ve also stopped taking Iberogast cause that wasn’t doing much for me either.
I’m now taking 50mg of Doxepin each night to help with Anxiety which has eased things a little, or least made it semi manageable.
And (can’t recall if mentioned this) but I am taking Gastrostop capsules, just chemist brand, when needed. Was taking it every time I had to go out, but now I’ve cut it down to taking a dose then not taking anymore until the effects start to wear off in a few days unless otherwise required. The GastroStop has been a life saver though...gives me that extra sense of assurance I can go out with friends and family and to events or appts...without having to worry I’ll have a bowel explosion. It’s nice. The constipation get after isn’t but, worth it for those times.
On symptoms it’s been, on and off. June/July actually is the one year mark when all the symptoms started (2017 in August is when they kicked into full gear and realised it wasn’t just a gastro bug)...And ironically it was throughout May ‘18 leading up to June/July that it has not been happy. Something set it off and badly, nothing had changed in my diet or anything, even Gastrostop wasn’t quite settling it down. The bowel was going off and stomach has been cramping so so sooooo much worse than before. It hasn’t eased yet, still going and going super strong. Heat packs are my friend that’s for sure.
On doctor and procedures I am FINALLY going for my endoscopy and colonoscopy on Monday (4/6 at 12pm). Perks of been in public system to wait 6months for this haha, ah well! So I will finally have a definite answer of yes it’s IBS or no they found something else. Got all my prep stuff on Friday (1/6), been on the low fibre diet and then the liquid diet tomorrow along with...the flushing of the system. Not really looking forward to that but, it gets me closer to an answer...so worth it. Just set up my station in the bathroom, my phone with net and book, and I’ll be set lol x’DD Doc said sometimes the flushing out can reset the system, so I kinda got hopes for that but not high high hopes ^-^
In a way I kind of want them to find something else when they do the scopes, something to explain things more than blanket term of IBS...but I dunno. Guess wait and see now. Either way, I want this to be more managed before August, just cause I’m been a bridesmaid in September, and I really don’t want stomach/bowels to ruin my friends wedding! Fingers crossed.
And think that covers it for the update on IBS/stomach/bowel status. I’ll try to be more active on here, no guarantees just cause with this, the op, some fam dramas, preparing for the wedding/travel to wedding and general job hunting troubles...life’s been bit all over the place.
Hope you’ve all been well or, least coping and found some methods of relief.
-Keira, Out