Hello all, really didn't know if this would be the right place for this, but I feel like I'm losing my mind and hopefully someone will understand.
I've had IBS for 10+ years and it's thankfully (and presently) in a well-managed place. I've really been working on my associated anxiety which is triggered by IBS and any situations where I'm likely to feel trapped i.e. unable to get to a toilet. Such as breathing exercises, meditation, and putting myself outside of my comfort zone. However the things I am doing to push against any anxiety are still things I'm initiating, within my control and on my own schedule.
A few days ago one of my closest friends asked me to be their bridesmaid. After initially being excited and saying yes, my head has been full of 'what ifs'. I'm thinking about it every waking moment. The wedding isn't for 18 months, and I feel like if I'm not up to this I need to let my friend know sooner rather than later. She will absolutely understand, and yet of course I feel like I'm letting myself down.
There's already a lot of travel involved for the wedding but I felt confident I could manage this, and as it's 'on location', I'll be spending the whole weekend with the wedding party. I'm just conscious that at a wedding, I'd normally eat carefully on the days preceding, sit on an aisle seat near the back, take medication in my handbag , wear something flattering in case I'm bloated or need to wear a pad. All things that I'm not going to have control over. I won't even get started on the hen do, as travel abroad's been mentioned but I'd struggle to fund this anyway.
Anyway, I strongly suspect, the more I type this, that it's my anxiety that's the issue, not my IBS, so feel free to ignore this self-obsessed rant or alternatively you're welcome to validate me. 😭