Painful cramps & D: Urgh I could cry. Infact I... - IBS Network

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Painful cramps & D

Jem91 profile image
7 Replies

Urgh I could cry. Infact I have just cried when my husband asked what was up.

We've just been out for tea, I took my usual 2 Imodium about 2 hours before eating as a precaution. I had a beef Sunday dinner and only ate about half when I started getting hot and stomach cramps.

Embarrassingly had to leave early to.go home and had the most horrendous diarrhoea with awful cramps. Felt like I was going to be sick it hurt that much.

I thought it was a safe meal to have :( I go and see the dr next Tuesday but I don't know what he will.offer me as the most he's gave me is that fibre drink...

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Jem91 profile image
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7 Replies
ShootingStars profile image

I've been where you are. Not fun! Did you eat any gluten? Gluten can cause all sorts of problems. What else did you eat besides beef? Beef can be more difficult to digest than other meats. Did it contain a lot of fat?

If you haven't tried going gluten free, dairy free and soy free, that's something worth considering to see if you feel better. Have you been tested for autoimmune diseases? Hashimoto's or Graves, Coeliac, etc?

Jem91 profile image
Jem91 in reply to ShootingStars

How do you get tested for auto immune diseases? I think I've had a blood test for celiac disease that was negative.

It was basically beef not very fatty, mash, green beans, carrot and I did have a little bit of Yorkshire pudding. But I know usually I can get away with a bit of wheat, especially when I've already taken Imodium.

Michele1930 profile image
Michele1930 in reply to Jem91


I know what you are going through I have been there,I am now on a gluten and wheat free diet which does help my doctor put me on fodmap diet because she thought it would help the episodes of diarrhoea it only made it worse I am afraid it is a case of trial and error

I am on buscapan IBS for cramps which are really bad when I get them

Also I am on peppermint oil and tea.

Let me know how you get on some Dr's take you seriously others

Do not mine are very good.

Would be interested to know how you got on if I can help anymore I will

All the best

Michele x.

keithfre profile image
keithfre in reply to Jem91

I have IBS-C. I'm on the FODMAP diet, which has calmed things down significantly. I haven't challenged all the various foods yet, but wheat and onions are clearly out for me. The other week we went to the Algarve and I thought I could relax the restrictions as I wouldn't be so stressed on holiday. I had a couple of slices of bread, a pizza and a glass of wine, and I suspect there were sometimes onions in the sauce of the local dishes. And I had more than one cup of coffee a day. By the time I got back home I had wind and bloating again...

MsRivet profile image

Red meat is definitely harder to digest than white meat so you might be better having chicken if they offer it and taking the skin off.

I second Buscapan and peppermint for the cramps and also a hot water bottle helps me a lot.

AnnaKershaw profile image

Hello, totally understand where you are coming from but it wasn’t that meal that upset your tummy. It takes 12-24 hours for food to digest so you need to look at what you ate before that. Does that make sense? I didn’t know this until it was explained to me by 2 dieticians I saw. Ive seen doctors and specialists over the past 10 years and no one had explained this to me!!! Xx

Hollings profile image

I have and still am where you are. I eat a gluten free diet and have just started to cut out dairy but can't have soya it gives me terrible wind! I take merbentyl 20mg tablets they are the only ones that work for me. Also you could try a low fat diet that might help. I have had ibs since I was twenty I'm now in my fifties it unfortunately takes over your life, every day is different. When I have a really bad flare up I can only eat toast and then gradually build up to a normal diet. I go to the doctors but their is nothing much they can do over the years I've tried different medications it's all trial and error. Some days are good some days are hell!!!!! I hope you find something that can help you.

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