Hi this all started a year ago at the healthest iv ever been i was working out 7 days a week walking 3.5 miless a day jogging a mile at night wieght training eating a strict clean healthy diet of 1200 calories a day then in April i started to feel extremely tired like i hadn't sleep in years i coutinued to work out thinking i was just over doing it but couldnt do it so i stopped in may in june i started have upper right side pain right uder my rib i decided to go to the doctors because i had lost about 10lbs in 3 weeks without trying and strange bowel movements and it felt like someone pumped me full of air i had went to the doctors 4 times in a matter of 2 months they ran cbc liver enzymes stool sampler abdominal ultrasound which all came back normal they put me on antidepressants and refered me to a gastroenterologist for an endoscope and colonoscopy but he called me into his office we sat across from eachother with a desk between us no exame was down he said i was 26 with no prior history of problems besides asthma he gave be a medicine that started with m and a probiotic and prilosec said it was ibs with gerd and malnutrition absorption i took it for 3 weeks went back i told him it did nothing so he changed me to turlance probiotic prilosec i went back in 2 weeks becaise my right side pain didnt let up he put me on ib guard im still having upper right side pain under the rib and its a dull aching pain that is beinginng to be constant i went to the emergency room yesterday they drew blood urine sample asked me if i had a endoscope told me not to eat or drink then came back ask me what was wrong i told them everything she asked again about endoscope i said no she said ill be back with ur results for blood and urine she came back said ur blood was normal or urine shows the start if a uti and perscribed batrium told be to see my pcp and follow up with gastroenterologist i got to the car crinkled the papers and bawled to my husband im scared this is serious and they arent taking me serious because im 26 i feel defeated i feel like by the time someone does listen its going to be to late
Im scared they arent listening cause im 26 - IBS Network
Im scared they arent listening cause im 26

If you gastroenterologist didn't examine you or order any tests, how could he decide you suffered with malabsorption, or, indeed, anything else? Is he Superman? Does he have x-ray vision? Is he G-d? I know a lot of consultants think they are, but this one seems to believe it.
I would ask for a second opinion, even spend approximately £200 for an initial private examination with a gastroenterologist, and tell him straight out that you can't afford to see them privately but you are really worried and would they put you on their NHS list?
Hi. I struggled to follow your post but if you haven’t had a colonoscopy you should go to your GP and insist to be referred for one, take your husband with you to give you strength. Paying privately is another way forward, as freedman said you would only need to pay for initial appointment and then go back into NHS system. Gather yourself, fight the system and insist they do the tests regardless of your age.
Plz do not wait to keep the only body u have ur number 1 priority! These fools traipsing around in lab coats aren't there 4 u. Had since I was 14, and no diagnosis till 30. More times than not u are speaking to an idiot with a 2.8 gpa. Remember the God complex affects many in seats of power. Big words and smiles r the only things that separates them from us (. Drug reps are there to remind us of these facts!!! Ask questions and hurt these egos if that's what it takes to spark the brain cells that make them human but keep reminding urself they will never understand, without a envelope of cash or season tickets an insurance number is the only thing that motivates these morally twisted charlotons. I truly feel for anybody who puts more stock in a doc that is only hearing impaired when he has a patients. I also ave m.s. aswell But hadto chime in srry!!!
Have you had Coeliac screen and Calprotectin test?

We recommend speaking to your GP.
I am following up with a new gastroenterologist and i have recently had a hidascan which came back normal the pain has become a constant dull achy pain that at times can be painful its in my upper right side mainly udder my rib and its moved into my back and shoulder the nausea comes with every drink of water every food or an empty stomach my breathing feels tight as well my pulse speeds up at times i have a rash on the back of my leg and face which i have no idea if its relative to my right side pain or not im worried i was really hoping it was my gallbladder so it was lets take it out and i would be ok now that the hida scan came back normal im worried its more serious. Scared of it being cancer especially pancreatic cancer i know im young but the chance is still there
Hi I know I’m late but I’m having the same issues. We’re you able to get a diagnosis ? Hope you are feeling better