Hi all,
Just wanted to see if others have similar symptoms to me.
It started really with lower back ache, I was given anti biotics as they thought it was a UTI. It seems to be after this I started having trouble.
I have:
A change in bowel movement, not quite diarrhoea but loose and then constipation.
Gas, this is the worst symptom, whenever I move, drink or eat I burp. Also get lots of rumbling and gurgling in my stomach and sometimes indigestion. I have also began having a sort throat and in turn an occasional raspy voice.
Recently I have started having a pain under my left breast, sometimes it's sharp and other it's a dull pain.
I cannot link any of this to food, I have kept diarys and tried the usual meds and I am now petrified that I have stomach cancer.
I have a gastro appointment but that's not till January so I'm going to go back to my GP next week.
Thanks for reading