I am dealing with severe bloating. I have Ibs with constipation. I follow a strict formal diet. Gasx does nothing. Does anyone take anything that helps the bloating
Ibs and severe bloating : I am dealing with... - IBS Network
Ibs and severe bloating

I also have this & now take peppermint capsules & laxido which help. Dietary wise after consultation with a dietitian they advised me to swap my caffeinated tea & coffee for decaf versions, ( I thought this would be so difficult but as long as you get a good brand I now barely notice the difference). I also take flax seed powder in a glass of water, which really helps. I have given up eating bread which I find really difficult, but I definitely feel better not eating it. Hope this helps.
I suffer from constip and bloating . I take peppermint oil capsules and laxido twice a day . Laxido night and morning . But I was told to eat a high fibre diet . But when i take flax seed as well but not tried the powder . Just sprinkle it over my yougurt . Try the coated peppermint caspules as they don’t dissolve right away . Hope you feel better soon . As it’s a hard to really get to the bottom of what causes it . 😁
Yes it’s so difficult to get on top of the symptoms. I saw a good gastroenterologist & dietician last year as I had a flare up. I was eating what I thought was a very ‘healthy diet’ but the dietitian gave lots of advice & thought I was eating too much fibre & my gut was struggling & not working properly so to return to eating slightly less fibre & white rice & pasta instead of brown etc. She said the flax seed powder smooths the inside of the bowel helping constipation & flax seed itself cannot be broken down in the gut easily & it’s better with the powder mixed in water. I tried stopping this recently to see if it made a difference & my slow gut returned so I’m now back on it again & it definitely helps. Maybe you could ask to be referred to a nhs dietitian for help & advice. I found it really helpful.
I will try the powder and see if that helps . Will try the 50/50 bread but I do try not to eat to much bread , plus when I first got ibs c I ended up eatin* very little as I was scared I would get constipated and ended up losing over 2stones in 6months . So I try to eat smaller portions and watch what I eat . I seen a dietians for a fe2 months but that was to help me put on weight . Then it was stopped during lockdown . So everything is trial and error . Where do you get your flaxseed powder .and how much do you use . 😀
I’m sorry to hear you have been a horrible time with this condition, it’s not easy & can really get you down. Maybe you could try to get to speak to a dietitian again? I had my consultation on a zoom call which was helpful & it was vía the NHS. I get my flaxseed powder on Amazon it’s Keto chef cold pressed & fat reduced flax seed powder, £7.63 & a bag lasts me ages as you only need 1 tablespoon. There are other brands but I just found this & it seems to help, hope it works for you too & things settle down.
Thanks will have a look on Amazon . I’ve had zoom dietian but it’s harder for me as I’m profoundly deaf and need some one with me so they can tell me what they are saying same with phone call from doctors it’s 3 way conversation . Tobe honest sometimes it just gets a bit overwhelming . My husband works away so rel6 on my son to come with me which is extra stressful but he is really good and doesn’t mind but it’s embarrassing talking bm movements. Or lack of them .