Hi does anyone who has diagnosed IBS suffer with something called bowel dumping? I don’t get often but when I do I have a real urgency to go to the loo. I might go two or three times in quick succession but then it could be a couple of days before I go again.
Dumping : Hi does anyone who has diagnosed IBS... - IBS Network

Yes, I have had that Terry.
Never heard of it but i have the same thing, its ibs-a, alternate between diarreah and constipation.
Yep all the time, don’t go for a few days and sometimes have to go 10 times in an hour - pretty normal part of IBS you could try take something like milk of magnesium to try and go more often to avoid this. Good luck
Thanks for the replies. Perhaps i should have made it clear in my initial statement that this isn't a regular thing. It happens every few months i can not set a clock or even a calendar by it. It just happens it is like i have taken something like an enema (of course i haven't) that clears out my bowel and then i don't go for few days. Then i am back to my usual IBS
Terry my most is 14 but I just thought Thats was the IBS , it’s not a very attractive name is lol 🤗🤗🦋😇
Don’t we just I have quite a few different illnesses to be going on with , but I don’t let it bother me that much I’m quite upbeat . I am just coming out of seven weeks of leaky gut now that is horrible makes you feel so poorly but that’s life’s . X🤗🦋🤗😇
Had a horrible night with RLS not slept a wink and my gut is flaring again or is it the diabetes it’s hard for me to tell. Must have been go a pee eleven times since 12am last night usually means sugar in water and kidneys trying to get rid of it.
I know I have been good though . It’s a mystery going to go
Back to bed
If I can get an hour . 🦋🤗🤗😇🦋