Has anyone on here tried the FODMAP diet? I'm thinking of tying it under the professional guidance of a dietician but it looks really hard and im not sure I could stick to it. I would be encouraged to try if others had found it successful. Cutting out foods on my own sounds a bit unreliable.
FODMAP diet: Has anyone on here tried the FODMAP... - IBS Network

I found it really successful you only do the diet part short term and then start to put foods back in. By the end of it you will know what your own trigger foods are. One thing I will say is that you need to be prepared to cook most meals from scratch
Hello, I have just started this Monday, with guidance of a dietician, which is a must I think, it is very complicated, but she told me of an app called foodmaestro FODMAP app it is really good as you can scan the items in the supermarket to see if you can eat it or not. I'm only on day 5 but feel no different at the minute I just hope it works, once you get your head around everything its not so bad, just no alcohol, coffee, cakes etc
Hi there. Is the FODMAP app the one with a red background or the blue background. One is free and the others costs £4. I would like to have a look before I go to see the dietician so I'm a bit prepared. Not sure which one to download. Thanks
Hello it's the one that costs 4 quid a lot of things that you don't realise have onion and garlic powder in and other things like inulin whatever that is
Yes. I used the FODMAP by Food Maestro, helped a lot with shopping. You will be amazed at what has onions, garlic etc.