Can anyone suggest anything for severe wind .tried windeeze to no avail.awaiting hospital tests ,but need a bit of relief at night.fed up getting up after a couple of hours sleep .thanks in advance
Severe wind : Can anyone suggest anything for... - IBS Network
Severe wind

Hi. You may have tried it already but I was away recently and the only thing available to buy was a pot of Andrews liver salts. I started taking it before bed and it made such a difference to me when nothing else had worked Hope you find some relief soon.

Hi there thank you will be getting some today .have enough wind to fly a kite
Haha. Let me know if it helps. I never realised trapped wind was so painful. Good luck!

OMG tried salts and made it worse lol but worth a try thanks
Presume you have had tests for wheat intolerance / coeliac and lactose intolerance? If not check out info on small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) and maybe try probiotics?
Hope you gets some answers. I get bad wind but no feeling of it just bad smell and I think I have TMAU.
Hi there .not been tested for either .doctor sending me on 19th of September for an ultra sound and have appointment for camera thing sorry don't know what it's called on 4th October as having bad continual pains in stomach and she said she wants to rule out cancer.i always have probiotic in the morning but to be honest does not really do much.have constipation as well .so can only wait for this to be done.must admit a bit concerned as read up on cancer and wish I had not .thanks for your reply if results are not conclusive will certainly look at food intolerance.never really had to much problem with food before .
Hi are you following low FODMAP diet? I have tried rennie deflatine before and can help it's not for daily continuous use though. I would suggest trying taking a digestive enzyme supplement with your main meal to aid digestion. Also try peppermint tea after meals x
Hi there thanks for replying .i have not tried these yet.will try the Epsom salts tonight and see how I go .as I said in my previous note when I get results back will go from there.just wanted something for the relief of wind now but will keep messages and get back to you all when I get results but thank you .hope you are having a good week.