Hi, having seen 3 different Gastroenterology Consultants over the last 14months....they keep leaving the present one has now decided on me taking a 'new' tablet.Linaclotide /Constella capsules. 'It may work, it may not'? So with Christmas in the way I waited til after. I'm already taking Movicol X 1 sachet. So for the 1st 48hrs it was like having the Prep prior to having any Scope exams. Pain & Diarrhoea. Saw him again last Friday. You have IBS C, yes ok had that now for over 2 years 'therefore it's the blocked stools with the Diarrhoea passing around them'. So continue the Linaclotide & increase sachets of Movicol to 1 twice a day. Well I'd like a life. I want to Control it & not the IBS Control me. I'm on & off the loo, pain, bloating too. I take Panadol, reduced Co-Codamol to 1 with a Panadol. Spasmonal, Colofac. Apart from Cons saying I don't think we can cure this- but try & make it manageable! So this 'flare up' has been present for 2wks now, longest for a while, any ideas to help me, please. My 'best friend' is my hot water bottle. I asked him about Colonic Irrigation, a blank look was given with no real answer. See in 3 months!!! Has anyone tried Colonic Irrigation & was it any good. I'm a 63yr old female.....so relatively 'young ish' to live with this 🤔. Thanks, Jackie.
Any ideas?: Hi, having seen 3 different... - IBS Network
Any ideas?

Hi I am almost 58 and have had IBS/D since I was 23.
You can get an irrigation system on prescription that you use at home.
Mine is like a bulb that you fill with tepid water, it is not very big.
I have had a lot of consulanats and it was always someone who was almost going into labour-their pregnancy was so advanced-3. So i put in a complaint about it.
Hope your soon feeling better
Thank you for taking time to answer my question. I've had no internet for 48hrs so hence the delay. Mm not so sure re the Irrigation System as I'm sure my newly Qualified GP would be up to date with all techniques, she is very good & a loss too. I'm surprised no one else has replied to my Question as i sure someone out there will have tried Colonic Irrigation.
So still at a loss really what to do, my next Apt is in 3 months.
poor you having IBS for so many years my IBS started 2 -3 yrs ago & I'm already at my wits end! Thanks again.