I had an endoscopy today. The nurse tried both hands and arms for the sedation needle without luck. She then said she found it and proceeded to put the needle in. The dr gave me 2 lots of sedation and i was still wide awake. Now im home my arm is swelled and very painful. Did the nurse miss my vein?
Endoscopy: I had an endoscopy today. The nurse... - IBS Network

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Sounds like the nurse needs a refresher in giving injections. Some have a knack some certainly don't. I have had many endoscopys and you are awake but should be relaxed and a bit removed from the situation.
I've had 2 endoscopes, the first one I don't remember a thing but the second I remember it all and had difficulty swallowing the damn thing.....I guessed it was down to cut backs n using less sedation juice. I don't remember having a sore arm afterwards tho.
This has happened to my son. It will disperse and you will recover. Albeit, it's not a nice experience.
Yes it sounds like it; please see youe GP are practice nurse-this is-not-good
Thanks everyone. Swelling gone down but still in pain. 😣
I would get your armed checked, nurse has obviously missed the vein , I have sedation & is always drowsy as I have had about 18 endoscopies , hope you feel better.
This has happened to me last time . The put one of those clips in my hand and when they put the seditive in , it squirted out the other hole . I was alert the whole time. To be honest the whole thing was like a comedy scene . Give it two or three days and if not happy phone the gp .