who’s had a endoscopy upper without sedation I can’t have sedation for many reasons but so scared to have this done any tips to get through it and is it as bad as it seems
endoscopy : who’s had a endoscopy upper without... - IBS Network

Many years ago, yes. It wasn't pleasant but I got through it and you can get through it too. It's a short space of time, you'll be looked after, think positively about how this will get you some results. All easier said than done I know.
I did. There was absolutely NO, as in ZERO pain. I was able to watch it on a TV monitor. It does not take very long. As I recall, about 15 minutes. You do have to remain very still. In order to put the camera down your throat, your throat will be numbed with a numbing agent that is sprayed into the back of your throat. I had a choice of flavors and picked banana. There was absolutely no sensation when the camera was inserted.
I did have a very experianced doctor. I hope your test goes as smoothly as mine did.
I have had several gastroscopies and never sedated. Some discomfort but it's over very quickly,.
No problem very easy and no pain had it done several times Better then down the throat 👍
I have has 4 endoscopies but never took sedation. A little discomfort when it passes down the throat but then it is fine. As others said it will be done soon. Try to focus your mind on the screen or something else. Also make sure to instruct the nurse to regularly use the suction in the month because you will not be able to sollow saliva for that time.
I had this done back in November. They numb your throat with a spray which tastes unusual, then introduce the instrument and tell you when to swallow. They then pump air into your stomach so they get a good look. This was all explained as they were doing it which I found very reassuring. I closed my eyes and just concentrated on deep rhythmic breathing. The nurse was great giving me lots of reassurance, and then it was over. The trick is to not get too stressed beforehand as everything tightens up when we’re stressed. Be guided by the team and try to concentrate on your breathing to keep as relaxed as possible. It will be fine. Take care.
Some years ago I had - or they attempted - endoscopy and colonoscopy together, without sedation or numbing. It was abandoned after several attempts as my body went into a spasm and the procedure became impossible and painful.
Just my personal experience, not necessarily one you will have.
I had one a year ago without. I wanted to leave asap and not hang around while sedation wore off. Uncomfortable but quick and not painful. You'll be ok X
I asked about that not because I did not want sedation but just curious. I think for most the doctors prefer the patient be sedated as hard to predict how it will go. I guess if you can't have the sedation make sure the doctor is good with it and go for it. Better than not doing a test that is recommended. Good luck.
I didn't want sedation as my BP was a bit on the low side, for both an upper GI endoscopy and a lower (at different times). The upper was a bit unpleasant, mainly due to the sensation of not being able to swallow saliva very well. But the nurses are very kind and used to helping with this! Although not easy, try to focus on breathing in very slowly and then out again very slowly. You will be in good hands and it shouldn't take very long. And if you don't have sedation, you are able to leave the unit quite quickly after the procedure. You will be fine!
I've had a couple both without sedation it's not pleasant but no pain. Plus you can then go about your day as normal
Try not to be too anxious. I had an endoscopy last Tuesday without sedation and like you was worried before hand. I spoke to the nurse who recommended no sedation. I explained that I was worried about gagging and being a nuisance but she said you would gag even with sedation. I found the tube went down easily and to control the gagging you need to concentrate on your breathing. Breathe in deeply through the nose then out through the mouth. It wasn't a pleasant experience but definitely manageable and over within a few minutes. If I had to have another endoscopy I would have it without sedation because you can go home soon after and don't need anyone to supervise you. I feel fine now. All the best when you have yours x
I had one several years ago without sedation, if I can survive it I'm sure you will too. Once the camera is over you'll be ok. Nowhere near as uncomfortable as the colonoscopy without sedation, never again. Good luck!
it’s not like the YouTube videos, the spray helps but you can still feel the tube, they push it down and then pull it straight out and then watch the video on a screen, squeeze your left thumb with your fingers and only concentrate on your thumb and squeezing, squeeze harder the more anxious you feel, one Dr pay put pressure on your face to stop any moving about, it’s disappointing to be honest.

Is it quick was you awake
Yes I was awake, the spray will stop you gagging, if it’s exploring its quick, I was disappointed though, I feel it should have taken longer and they should have explored more instead of filming it and then replaying it by video, squeeze your thumb if you feel anxious and breath, don’t worry about it, worry doesn’t cure anything.
Yup, had a gastroscopy recently and was given great advice beforehand by my consultant: Just concentrate on your breathing! In through your nose, out through your mouth. I had one moment of panic but the nurse with me was amazing and just brought me back to my breathing: "In through the nose, out through the mouth, in through the nose out through the mouth.."
Good luck (you won't need it!) 🤗
Hi there I had one last week , this was in fact my 3rd one without sedation, I find it unpleasant but actually not too bad, make sure the person doing it sprays your throat properly (they gave me 13 sprays ) and try to relax as much as possible I know it’s easier said than done, but if you follow the instructions of the people doing it then it’s much better than having to stay around for 2 hours afterwards and the whole thing is over in 5 mins, I would always opt for no sedation personally
Omg poor you, I absolutely refuse to have it without being knocked out, my gag reflex is shocking and they've tried before and failed, I'm sure you will be OK though