hiya im new to this . Im possibly being diagnosed with ibs after pretty much ruling out ibd. I was wondering if anyone here has had an Endoscopy? was looking for honest opinions on how bad it is? can you be put to sleep or just sedated ? I have had two colonscopies one with sedation and one gas and air and didnt like either! But the thought of a camera going down seems worse for some reason . Anyone had experiece of one?
Endoscopy experiences: hiya im new to this . Im... - IBS Network
Endoscopy experiences

I found the endoscopy much easier than colonoscopy.You don’t have to take the awful prep just not eat anything for several hours beforehand. I had one with sedation and one without and if I had to have another I would definitely not have sedation.They freeze the back of your throat so you don’t feel anything and it is very quickThe other benefit is you can go home straightaway after being told results.I think it is a piece of cake in comparison to a colonoscopy.Good luck you will be fine.
Hi, I had one a few months ago without sedation just the spray, which tastes foul. It was unpleasant as you gag involuntarily when the tube goes down and again when it comes up, and it is a strange feeling the tube in your stomach although it is painless. It was worth not having the sedation just to be able to leave as soon as possible afterwards. I wouldnt worry too much about it though as it is over within minutes!
I and my partner have both experienced endoscopy. I for chest problem (it was an under active thyroid). The tube was nasally inserted no sedative required. My partner for ibs she had a”relaxation “ jab. Neither of us experienced any problems. The tube/camera is no bigger than the width of a knitting needle and is flexible.
Thank you 😀
Hi dmlb,
Just to add my comments - I have had several endoscopes over some years. Some were done without sedation and some with. The hospital I have gone to didn’t use to encourage sedation, quicker for them, quicker for the patient, but when I had a lovely Italian locum consultant do one, she said she would always choose sedation herself so she gave me sedation ( I think it was midazolam, but not sure) - I didn’t need the awful tasting spray and having the procedure done under sedation was a breeze - no gagging, no discomfort. I think I would always prefer sedation now as I wouldn’t fancy “grinning and bearing it “ without so to speak.
But as some others have said it can be fine without sedation - it’s up to the individual I think, ...only you don’t know what you prefer until you have it done.
Also just to say if you have any other relevant health issues it can be safer without sedation - the sedation can pose some small risks which is why you would be constantly monitored and have to stay longer for about half an hour of monitoring - and have someone take you home, all possibly quite a faff. But you know this anyway from having sedation for a colonoscopy.
Anyway best wishes and hope it all goes well.
Hello dmlb
I was dreading having to have an endoscopy as I gag terribly over anything like that - so I opted for a capsule endoscopy which is so much easier! The capsule is the size of a vitamin pill so not tiny but it's still possible to swallow Yes you will have to do the prep before hand unfortunately. No sedation but you have to stay in hospital for the day. You have circular pads stuck to your body that have wires attached and they can connect them to a hand held machine with a screen that lets you see where the capsule is inside you. You are allowed to eat from lunchtime onwards. You don't have to stay in hospital until you've passed the capsule - that won't happen till the next day or day after that. And once it's out you can leave it where it is - my consultant told me that one of his patients had brought it back to him even though it was made clear he didn't need it!!
Hope that helps somewhat - ATB.

Thanks x
I have had over 40 endoscopys and only once I didn't have sedation and I said never again, but we are all different and have different tolerance levels and my worst thing ever is having that procedure... Hope it goes well ☺️
Thanks x