Hi All,I'm not new to this site,I just haven't posted lately.
Without going into to much detail,I've suffered "IBS" if that's what you would like to call it ,for about 10yrs,over that time I've had everything there is to have that the NHS,and private has to offer. The reason for not posting on here was because I believed no one could be of any help,not to say that I haven't answered a few posts.
Well the reason I'm posting now is,I'm at the end of my tether,and I don't know where to turn. I suffer daily pain which I believe the term is chronic pain,I have BM 3-5times a day,but after my tea,I'm in agony right up until I get to sleep,which takes sleeping tablets. My pain is mainly in my pelvic area,and can go right under,to my bottom. But it's getting to be unbearable,all I take is paracetamol and Diazapam to keep me from getting to anxious about it. But if I wasn't anxious I wouldn't be writing this post. Has anyone got any suggestions ,or is in my position. Thanks.