Hello everyone. I just wanted to introduce myself and say hi as I'm new here. I'm looking to make friends that are going through a similar experience as it gets lonely on this journey
Just saying hello: Hello everyone. I just wanted... - IBS Network
Just saying hello

Welcome there's always someone about to listen. Good luck.
Hi welcome, I hope you find some friends and also answers to any questions you may have, there is always someone to help on here.x
I wrote a very long reply to this and it was wiped away. I'll rewrite it if you like. You're talking about ovarian cancer? There is some crossover of people with IBS.
You are not alone, whichever you have. It seems some, like myself, may have both. Nesie
What did you mean there seems to be a crossover between ovarian cancer and IBS? Do a lot of O. Cancer have I BS?
It isn't scientifically related. I wish my message wasn't wiped clean. The symptoms of ovarian cancer are rather nonspecific in the early stages, especially- bloating and general discomfort especially. As ovca progresses, it becomes more serious, the symptoms are more specific and it is harder to cure.
I, like others I've seen, happen to have both.
So it's not a scientific fact. Sorry for the misunderstanding. Nesie237
Thanks nesie. I do need to be checked for ovca. That's one test I haven't had. Just looking for cause of such discomfort .
Funny you say that. I looked for the cause of my generalized abdominal discomfort for an entire year. They all said it was my IBS, but I was sure it was ovarian cancer. I changed doctors and on the visit where we met and the doctor did a history and physical, on a pelvic she saw blood. I'm post menopausal and she said that is never normal. The process of sonogram, etc. was pretty quick after that. So, it was my determination and my doctor's excellent training that caught the cancer at a pretty early stage.
I digressed there. I certainly hope you have something less serious than ovarian cancer. Keep in touch, keep posting. Nesie237
Hi just to say I'm fairly new to but people really listen to you on here gun x
Hi and welcome, this site is really good and it's surprising on how much information you can obtain from it. I saw my doctor nearly 2 weeks ago after having IBS for around 20 years and for the very first time ever he was very sympathetic and is now carrying out blood tests; he may book in another Colonoscopy (I had this test when I was first diagnosed) and it looks like he is going to continue to help as much as he can - hurrah!
I hope that you get some comfort from joining this site.
Best of luck
Thank you all for your support, I wasn't sure how much I could share, but basically; I have been having problems for 12 years. I have had part of my large intestine removed and had a rectoplexy/rectoseal operation. I was told this would fix things...it didn't.
I have had 9 colonoscopy's within the last 5 years, several transit studies, a camera down my throat, a pill camera, loads of x rays, ultrasounds, MRI, blood tests, hospital stays and so many other tests I can't even name! They found I have IBS-C, under-active thyroid, arthritis, hypermobility and the early stages of ulcerative colitis and a very sensitive gut. However, they are doing nothing about any of it as my tests are inconsistent and it is the early stages. They tried me on the Fodmap diet, which made no difference, and tried me on many other diets and cutting out a lot of foods (I am veggie), nothing helped.
I am on Senna, Bysacodal, Docusate, Constella, Lanzoprazol, Levothyroxine, Duloxatine, Tramadol, Metacalopromide and Gaviscon. None of it helps or makes any difference, so they are taking me off some of the meds as they don't help. I now also have to do a colonic irrigation at home every other day, without it I literally only go to the bathroom naturally once a month.
I go to the hospital once a month to see my nurse who is lovely, but talks a lot about me doing yoga, pilaties, breathing exercises etc. Nothing helps and I get in too much pain and swelling a lot of the time. My symptoms now include extreme fatigue, rectal bleeding/mucus, dizziness, pain, swelling, bloating, low mood, frozen joints and soreness.
So I am feeling really low about it all and looking to make friends that are going through something similar that don't mind talking about things that most people would find a bit gross lol.
I'm so sorry to hear about everything you are going through. I have IBS-C and know how difficult it makes life. I'm now experimenting with something called diatomacious earth (food grade only). It gets rid of parasites, bad bacteria etc. from the gut. Seems to be helping -- but giving it some time to see. Hope we both find some relief soon.
We're all used to 'gross' here. Say what you like, many of us have funny/sad/embarrassing poop stories that we can all empathize with.
I have found it really helpful reading other people's story's you are not alone it comforting to know you can discuss your problems with people that understand
Severe IBS-C is also making life a misery for me and similarly, I am totally mystified as to the cause. I have not had any surgery but I do have may of the same symptoms, nowhere near as severe as you though. It does feel like a very lonely journey often, I do totally sympathise and empathise so happy to be here for you and listen and do anything I can to support you.