Hi, I just found this website, and it looks really helpful. I have had IBS probably most of my adult life, and possibly some of my childhood too. It was diagnosed about 15 years ago. I always ascribed the symptoms to anxiety or 'nerves', though I am not the nervy sort, and have achieved many things in my life. I am now retired and lead a relatively stress free life. The IBS persists , however, and I seem to suffer with it as much as ever, if not more so recently, in spite of doing the low fodmaps diet. It's not a subject that one can discuss freely, and I am a great believer in trying to deal with things myself , as opposed to appointments at the doctor's surgery. I love the idea of mutual support at this website.
hello: Hi, I just found this website, and it... - IBS Network

Hi dodo 4350! Welcome to the site! It's s good site and people are very supportive! I not gone as far as the fodmap diet. But I saw a dietician who discharged me this year when my IBS improved. I'm vegetarian going vegan. I'm lactose intolerant and it's helping me alot. (I can't have sone vegetables or fruit but know what trigger me usually cucumbers and garlic!)I also go to the gym when I can and like to walk when the weather is good! I find it helps my mood and my IBS! Thanks for sharing your story. 😊
Kia Ora and welcome, Dodo4350.
This forum is amazing. I can absolutrly relate to what you have written in your post. I have been into a stress free in both facets of the living environment and time, but still, the nasty IBS is still herr kicking all the way like a crazy bull.
Could you please share with us what your symptoms are and what time of the day they come please (after a meal, before going out, etc.)
Welcome x
Hello Dodo4350. When all else fails there is always this forum, if nothing else, makes you feel not alone. As a female I don't find it easy to talk to anyone including male doctors/specialists about it, am seeing specialist (male again) for last time soon as never had any help or advice that helped during last 6 years so I too will be going it alone, which I guess I have been doing anyway. Good luck, keep posting
Welcome Dodo and this forum is brilliant and people on here are so helpful; I have picked up many tips and ideas on this forum.
I have IBS C mainly and am looking at my diet more and more and am now purchasing Lactose free products and also cannot eat raw carrots, raw onions and sweetcorn. I can tolerate small amounts of broccoli. The FODMAP diet is the next on the list for me as I know it works for quite a few people but know not for all.
I have now left work and the IBS is still here rearing it's ugly head but it won't beat me!!
Welcome Dodo, I love your periwinkle photo. That's what we call them in New England. I don't agree with the "nerves" answer for IBS. Anyone can become nauseous and have diarrhea when nervous. My PCP says that some antidepressants even cause diarrhea. I, too, am retired and still have a problem. It was made far worse when I contracted c-diff in the hospital three years ago. I take probiotics and changed my diet but don't seem to be allergic to anything. What I find most useful is eating small amounts of food during the day instead of large meals that start that need to go to the bathroom faster. (Sorry for all the odd spellings from the colonies my UK friends.)