I'm Liz, I'm 40 and have had IBS on and off for 20 or so years. I'm interested in finding a cure.. so would love to hear others stories, things that help, things that hinder and hopefully find a way of healing the guts of one and all!
Hello!: I'm Liz, I'm 40 and have had IBS on and... - IBS Network

Hi Liz,
You don't say whether or not you're diarrhoea- or constipation-predominant and that info will make a big difference to the responses you get, so can you let us know which way you are?
I can tell you that these days, you don't usually get an IBS diagnosis (although it does happen) until you've had several tests run, including colonoscopy, to rule out other possible causes.
In answer to your probiotics query, well, the jury's still out on that one as some of them seem to work for some people and not at all for others - I'm in the latter group having wasted a small fortune on trying out just about all of them! Some of them were mildly beneficial, but only for short periods and then it's been back to square one.
However, thanks to another forum member, I've recently found a brilliant and easy solution to my IBS-D which I'll be happy to tell you about if your problem is the same.

Thanks Rosie
My IBS is usually constipation dominant but I do get diarrhoea after certain foods and recently looser stools than usual - possibly aggravated by the iron tablets I've been taking for low ferritin. I was under the impression that the fecal calprotectin test was going to replace more invasive tests like colonoscopy for IBS symptoms? I am interested in looking towards new ways of diagnosing and new treatments and have just been involved in helping out with a research project for easier diagnosis. I've read that invasive tests in the bowel can also cause inflammation and irritation themselves so we need to be pushing for better ways of diagnosing.
Iron tablets work the opposite way for me and also give me stomach pain, just shows how different we all are in our responses.
I know that the fecal test you mention can distinguish different types of inflammatory bowel conditions, but it's never been offered to me. The advantage of a colonoscopy is that if any polyps are present these can be removed and sent for biopsy.
Have you tried the low-FODMAP diet which is highly successful for a lot of people on here?
Hi again. I just bought a fodmap cookbook so aim to try it out. Also I think for me there is an emotional/anxiety connection so I've enrolled on a yoga course and acupuncture to try those out. what do,you think has caused your IBS?
If you go to med.monash.edu.au/cecs/gast..., you get to the site of Monash Uni where FODMAPs was developed and you can read up on the science behind the diet. There's also a brilliant app available from there which is a must-have for shopping and eating out. It's a pretty tough regime and, to make it work, you have to stick with it rigidly for at least the first 4 - 6 weeks, but it really does help loads of IBS-ers sort out their trigger foods.
I really wish I knew what caused my IBS. I've had several bright ideas about it, but none of them really seem to nail it. I'm also convinced it's a chicken-and-egg thing though, i.e. anxiety makes it worse and IBS symptoms cause anxiety...
I did FODs very successfully for 4 years and it gave me about 95% control, however, another forum member (Shon48) recently posted about an OTC pill called Phenergan which, she accidentally discovered, stopped her symptoms (diarrhoea etc) in their tracks. It's also worked for me, so I'm now off FODs and eating a normal diet with ultra-minimal bad effects which usually only come on if I indulge in too much dairy. It's a miracle which I can't quite take in yet and I've got my fingers crossed that its effects are lasting.

That sounds amazing! 😊 Really pleased you found something that's helped! What exactly is the medication for? If I carry on with loose stools I might try it, but I usually suffer constipation. Thanks for the info! X
Phenergan was developed years' ago as a first-generation anti-histamine, but as it makes you drowsy, it isn't used for that so much these days. It's also sold for travel sickness and sedation. My GP was so impressed by the results that he's put it on prescription for me and, if it continues to work will do further research on it.
Wish you well and hope you get some tips from here that help you.
Hey Liz, I have diarrhoea predominant IBS and some things that trigger me are sorbitol, peppermint flavouring or peppermint tea (often recommended for GI issues), cigarettes, artificial/chemical smells (I also find this triggers migraines), too much dairy, too much fat, and too much insoluble fibre or 'roughage'. You may find that insoluble fibre helps with your constipation but you may also get explosive diarrhoea episodes if you switch between one to the other.
Things that help me are ginger tea and anything ginger related, tortilla chips because corn starch seems to provide a tolerable source of insoluble fibre to slow my gut down, and fresh air/breathing exercises/cooling down as I cannot stand being too hot.
I have tried several antidepressants, many SSRIs which exacerbated my diarrhoea very badly, and now an SNRI which has had a positive effect on it and has actually caused me to be constipated sometimes. I also suffer with anxiety and depression through various times in my life though, so this has been a whole body issue for me.
Immodium helps with diarrhoea attacks as long as I catch it in time.