Does anyone get windlike pains moving constantly round abdomen, I feel it is stretched and very uncomfortable. I also experience upper pain but this is all round right left over and above navel. It is two days straight and I posted earlier if probiotics can cause this but I just wondered if this is how ibs can manifest.
Constantly moving pain: Does anyone get windlike... - IBS Network
Constantly moving pain

You could try taking a large dose of gripe water to see if that helps. Somebody posted that suggestion on here a few weeks' ago and I've found it very successful for trapped wind.

Thank you for replying as I am panicking having googled. Dont have any gripewater at minute. Have you ever experienced this pain and if it was just wind would it last a couple of days. My mind is in overdrive as I suffer health anxiety
Believe me, I've had that sort of pain go on for days in the past. As you haven't got any gripe water, suggest you massage your abdomen downwards with some force, see if you can't persuade the gas to come out that way.

I suggested gripe water! Glad it helped
Im having same trouble in my stomch especially just like pressing my chest after drinking liquid I can hear the sounds just like moving inside. It was started after taking all the medicine for Gastric alike rabeprazole. I have to come to GI doctor to check again what is happening? Does anyone kniw it might be the side affect of the med, but I doubt since the med is for gastric?
Have you tried peppermint tea, Twinings is the one I use.
Bicarbonate of soda in hot water helps.. Not sure if I've replied to you before, but definitely sitting up at a table when eating is really essential , also ginger tea is helpful, These symptons seem to be such a common problem which really worry us..they could be something or nothing which does not help us not to worry about it.
hOpe someone can give you better advice to help you
I see that Rosie has suggested Gripe Water, that's a very good idea as I also bought some after reading a post on here and it seems to help quite a lot and is so much cheaper than other medication. By the way, I also suffer with wind moving round the stomach but also get it in other parts of the body.
I have been taking Multibionta tablets for years which have probiotics in them and they improved my IBS a lot as years ago I was so much worse than I am now. It's Mutibionta Vitality that I take, these are the original ones.
Hope you get on well with whatever you purchase.
This is the way IBS works. I questioned the doc about this many times. It is scary.