I have had IBS for over 20 years now. As other sufferers have commented, not one person in the medical profession , in all that time, mentioned the possibility that IBS could be the problem. I now believe that this is because symptoms and treatment are so difficult and so complex, that your average GP does not wish to acknowledge the disease, let alone prescribe medication.
I was speaking to a friend's daughter who had been in the nursing profession for quite some years. A passionate and dedicated nurse, she told me that she felt strongly that if this extremely debilitating and often unbearably painful disease occurred mainly in the male species, rather than the the other way around, there would have been significant
research taken place a long time ago. However, it being more commonly known as a 'female ailment', women are still being told "it's all in your mind" , and brought about by hysterics. It is true that stress is a factor, but it is not the cause. All severe symptoms cause stress. I hope that perhaps the tide is turning but slowly. Monash university, Australia, have done considerable research and produced a successful inroads with regards to diet. Grateful thanks to them. It is a work in progress and so far has helped so many desperate people. For all our sakes, and for our families and friends who are deeply affected also, I hope and pray for this. May we all see at last, a light at the end of the tunnel. May the new year be a better one for you all.